This project is a single-page application for an email client. The application features a front-end interface that communicates with backend APIs to send and receive emails.
Send Mail
- Users can compose and send emails.
- On successful sending, the user is redirected to their Sent mailbox.
Mailbox Views
- Users can view their Inbox, Sent, and Archived emails.
- Each email is displayed in a box showing the sender, subject, and timestamp.
- Read emails are displayed with a gray background, while unread emails are displayed with a red background.
View Email
- Users can click on an email to view its full content.
- The email's sender, recipients, subject, timestamp, and body are displayed.
Archive and Unarchive
- Users can archive and unarchive emails.
- Archived emails can be moved back to the Inbox and vice versa.
- Users can reply to emails.
- The reply form is pre-filled with the original sender as the recipient, and the original email's content is included in the body.
- Python 3.x
- Django
Clone the Repository
git clone
Apply migrations
python makemigrations mail
python migrate
Run the Server
python runserver
Access the Application
in your browser.