A Python library for GitHub API integration. Retrieve user info, repositories, and more. Simplify GitHub-related tasks effortlessly.
- ------List of functions------
- format_username(username)
- confirm_username(username)
- get_response(username)
- full_name(username)
- twitter(username)
- repos(username)
- bio(username)
- location(username)
- repo_count(username)
- followers_count(username)
- following_count(username)
- joined_date(username)
- confirm_token(username, token)
- create_repo(username, token, repo_name)
Python >3
Request pip install requests
The package can be found on pypi hence you can install it using pip
pip install git_user23
format_username(username) This function removes leading and trailing spaces from the given username.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> format_username(" samuelogboye")
>>> format_username(" samuelogboye ")
confirm_username(username) Checks if a given username is valid on GitHub.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> confirm_username("samuelogboye")
>>> confirm_username("samuelogboy")
get_response(username) Retrieves all user information from GitHub API and returns it as a dictionary.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> get_response("samuelogboye")
full_name(username) Retrieves the full name of the user
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> full_name("samuelogboye")
'Samuel Ogboye'
twitter(username) Retrieves the twitter username of a user
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> twitter("samuelogboye")
repos(username) Retrieves a list of all repositories owned by the user.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> repos("samuelogboye")
list of repo
bio(username) Retrieves the bio of the user
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> bio("samuelogboye")
'Software Engineer || Open Source || Technical Writer || C || Python'
location(username) Retrieves the location of the user.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> location("samuelogboye")
repo_count(username) Retrives the count of public repositories owned by the user.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> repo_count("samuelogboye")
followers_count(username) Retrieves the count of followers of the user.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> followers_count("samuelogboye")
following_count(username) Retrieves the count of users that the user is following.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> following_count("samuelogboye")
joined_date(username) Retrieves the date when the user joined GitHub.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> joined_date("samuelogboye")
confirm_token(username, token) Confirms if both username and token are valid. Returns True or False
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> confirm_token("samuelogboye", *********)
create_repo(username, token, repo_name) Creates a public GitHub repository instantly with a README file and returns True if successful.
>>> from git_user23 import *
>>> create_repo("samuelogboye", "******", "testing")
- You can check out the full documentation here
Contributions are welcome Notice a bug, let us know. Thanks
- Main Maintainer: Samuel Ogboye
- Jesus Saves