Web app to test the notifications service. It simulates a messaging app. When a message is sent from user A to B, B receives a notification.
- Clone notifications-client-java repo and install it:
cd notifications-client-java && mvn install
- Compile this web app
cd notifications-test-app && mvn install
To run this web app you first need to tell it where the notifications service is running.
You can do that by creating a notifications.properties
file in webapp/src/main/resources/
You can simply create a new copy of notifications.properties-template
cp webapp/src/main/resources/notifications.properties-template webapp/src/main/resources/notifications.properties
Edit this new file according to where your notifications service is running.
NOTE: You will notice that this file has something like:
and appSecret=
. These values are not used yet because the notifications service is still a prototype and there is no security protocol like oAuth
or something like that.
This project has the REST API and UI in separated modules. To launch the REST API:
cd webapp
mvn tomcat7:run
Now to run the UI open a new shell in the projects root and do the following:
cd ui
npm install