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A feature-rich dual listbox for React.




Install the library using your favorite dependency manager:

yarn add react-dual-listbox

Using npm:

npm install react-dual-listbox --save

Note – This library makes use of Font Awesome styles and expects them to be loaded in the browser.

Include CSS

For your convenience, the library's styles can be consumed utilizing one of the following files:

  • node_modules/react-dual-listbox/lib/react-dual-listbox.css
  • node_modules/react-dual-listbox/src/less/react-dual-listbox.less
  • node_modules/react-dual-listbox/src/scss/react-dual-listbox.scss

Either include one of these files in your stylesheets or utilize a CSS loader:

import 'react-dual-listbox/lib/react-dual-listbox.css';

Render Component

The DualListBox is a controlled component, so you have to update the selected property in conjunction with the onChange handler if you want the selected values to change.

Here is a minimal rendering of the component:

import React from 'react';
import DualListBox from 'react-dual-listbox';

const options = [
    { value: 'one', label: 'Option One' },
    { value: 'two', label: 'Option Two' },

class Widget extends React.Component {
    state = {
        selected: ['one'],

    onChange = (selected) => {
        this.setState({ selected });

    render() {
        const { selected } = this.state;

        return (


Traditional <optgroup>'s are also supported:

render() {
    const options = [
            label: 'Earth',
            options: [
                { value: 'luna', label: 'Moon' },
            label: 'Mars',
            options: [
                { value: 'phobos', label: 'Phobos' },
                { value: 'deimos', label: 'Deimos' },
            label: 'Jupiter',
            options: [
                { value: 'io', label: 'Io' },
                { value: 'europa', label: 'Europa' },
                { value: 'ganymede', label: 'Ganymede' },
                { value: 'callisto', label: 'Callisto' },

    return <DualListBox options={options} />;

Disabling Component or Options

Pass in the disabled property to disable the entire component. Alternatively, individual options may be disabled on a per-item basis:

render() {
    const options = [
            label: 'Mars',
            disabled: true,
            options: [
                { value: 'phobos', label: 'Phobos' },
                { value: 'deimos', label: 'Deimos' },
            label: 'Jupiter',
            options: [
                { value: 'io', label: 'Io' },
                { value: 'europa', label: 'Europa', disabled: true },
                { value: 'ganymede', label: 'Ganymede' },
                { value: 'callisto', label: 'Callisto' },

    return <DualListBox options={options} />;


You can enable filtering of available and selected options by merely passing in the canFilter property:

render() {

    return <DualListBox canFilter options={options} />;

Optionally, you can also override the default filter placeholder text and the filtering function:

render() {

    return (
            filterCallback={(option, filterInput) => {
                if (filterInput === '') {
                    return true;

                return (new RegExp(filterInput, 'i')).test(option.label);

In addition, you can control the filter search text, rather than leaving it up to the component:

render() {

    return (
                available: 'europa',
                selected: '',
            onFilterChange={(filter) => {

Action/Button Alignment

By default, the movement buttons are aligned to the center of the component. Another option is to align these actions to be above their respective lists:

render() {

    return (
        <DualListBox alignActions="top" options={options} />

Preserve Select Ordering

By default, react-dual-listbox will order any selected items according to the order of the options property. There may be times in which you wish to preserve the selection order instead. In this case, you can add the preserveSelectOrder property.

Note – Any <optgroup>'s supplied will not be surfaced when preserving the selection order.

render() {

    return <DualListBox options={options} preserveSelectOrder />;

To allow users to re-arrange their selections after moving items to the right, you may also pass in the showOrderButtons property.

Restrict Available Options

Sometimes, it may be desirable to restrict what options are available for selection. For example, you may have a control above the dual listbox that allows a user to search for a planet in the solar system. Once a planet is selected, you want to restrict the available options to the moons of that planet. Use the available property in that case.

render() {
    // Let's restrict ourselves to the Jovian moons
    const available = ['io', 'europa', 'ganymede', 'callisto'];
    return <DualListBox options={options} available={available} />;

Changing the Default Icons

By default, react-dual-listbox uses Font Awesome for the various icons that appear in the component. To change the defaults, simply pass in the icons property and override the defaults:

        moveLeft: <span className="fa fa-chevron-left" />,
        moveAllLeft: [
            <span key={0} className="fa fa-chevron-left" />,
            <span key={1} className="fa fa-chevron-left" />,
        moveRight: <span className="fa fa-chevron-right" />,
        moveAllRight: [
            <span key={0} className="fa fa-chevron-right" />,
            <span key={1} className="fa fa-chevron-right" />,
        moveDown: <span className="fa fa-chevron-down" />,
        moveUp: <span className="fa fa-chevron-up" />,
        moveTop: <span className="fa fa-double-angle-up" />,
        moveBottom: <span className="fa fa-double-angle-down" />,

Extract Changed Values

At times, it may be useful to know which options the user highlighted when the selected values change. In this case, the second parameter of the onChange handler may be used:

class Widget extends React.Component {

    onChange = (selected, selection) => {
        console.log('The user highlighted these options', selection);
        this.setState({ selected });

All Properties

Property Type Description Default
options array Required. Specifies the list of options that may exist on either side of the dual list box.
onChange function Required. The handler called when options are moved to either side: function(selected) {}.
alignActions string A value specifying whether to align the action buttons to the 'top' or 'middle'. middle
allowDuplicates bool If true, duplicate options will be allowed in the selected list box. false
available array A subset of the options array to optionally filter the available list box. undefined
availableRef function A React function ref to the "available" list box. null
canFilter bool If true, search boxes will appear above both list boxes, allowing the user to filter the results. false
className string An optional className to apply to the root node. null
disabled bool If true, both "available" and "selected" list boxes will be disabled. false
filterCallback function The filter function to run on a given option and input string: function(option, filterInput) {}. See Filtering. () => { ... }
filterPlaceholder string The text placeholder used when the filter search boxes are empty. "Search..."
icons object A key-value pairing of action icons and their React nodes. See Changing the Default Icons for further info. { ... }
id string An HTML ID prefix for the various sub elements. null
lang object A key-value pairing of localized text. See src/js/lang/default.js for a list of keys. { ... }
moveKeyCodes array A list of key codes that will trigger a toggle of the selected options. [13, 32]
name string A value for the name attribute on the hidden <input /> element. This is potentially useful for form submissions. null
preserveSelectOrder bool If true, the order in which the available options are selected are preserved when the items are moved to the right. false
selected array A list of the selected options appearing in the rightmost list box. []
selectedRef function A React function ref to the "selected" list box. null
simpleValue bool If true, the selected value passed in onChange is an array of string values. Otherwise, it is an array of options. true
showHeaderLabels bool If true, labels above both the available and selected list boxes will appear. These labels derive from lang. false
showNoOptionsText bool If true, text will appear in place of the available/selected list boxes when no options are present. false
showOrderButtons bool If true, a set of up/down buttons will appear near the selected list box to allow the user to re-arrange the items. false

Option Properties

Property Type Description
label string Required. The text label for the given option.
value mixed Required. The text or numeric value for the given option.
disabled bool If true, disables the option from selection.
title string Adds the HTML title attribute to the option.


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