This is a tutorial for microservices training. In this tutorial, we will cover the following features:
- Service Mesh - Deploy a microservice with Istio enabled
- Canary deployment - Switch traffic from version V1 to version V2
- Service Brokers - Provision and use a MySQL instance
- API-first development
- Observability - Observe the service runtime behaviour with Vizceral, Zipkin and Grafana (Limited)
- CI/CD - Use Wercker to deploy our services
This is a simple node.js microservice application that exposes a REST API.
REST API GET "/api/creditscore" - This only returns a hardcoded message for now. We will enhance this API in this tutorial
In this tutorial, we will develop two versions of this service V1 and V2:
- Version V1 is standalone app and doesn't use any DB
- In version V2 we will extend the app to connect to MySQL DB provisioned using Service Brokers
End State:
- GitHub account
- Full access to CNP end-to-end (pipelines > releases > clusters)
- OCI LB quota. Should have room to create at least 1 LB for Istio ingress controller - this is a pre-requisite to install Aura which in turn installs Istio
- OKE 1.8.0 cluster with Aura platform pre-installed (if Aura is not pre-installed follow these installation steps)
- kubeconfig file of your OKE cluster downloaded on your machine
- kubectl installed and working on your machine
- "kubectl proxy" runs and you can access the K8s dashboard
- Can view resources in your OCI tenancy (Ashburn region) from the OCI console
- Sufficient OCI block volume storage. At least 100 GB of block volume available to provision the service broker instance (uses 50 GB)
- (OPTIONAL) istioctl installed and working on your machine
In this tutorial, we will go through the following flow:
Part 4 - API-first development exprience
- TBD - Associate API descriptor with the microservice (from the Admin console)
- TBD - Generate Javascript lib (from the Admin console)
- TBD - Create a new client microservice to use the generated JS library to access the backend rest API
- TBD - Deploy this new client microservice with Istio enabled (using Wercker)
- TBD - Access the new client microservice
- TBD - Observe the microservice behaviour (in Vizceral, Zipkin, Grafana)
MySQL Service Broker: Go to Admin console > Service Brokers > thirdparty-mysql-service > Delete "mysql-sb-inst-1" service instance
Clean up the entire lab
curl -LSs | sh
Ignore the following errors
"./ line 5: oms: command not found"
"./ line 11: istioctl: command not found"