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Part 1 - Deploy your first microservice

Tutorial Flow

In this tutorial, we will go through the following flow:

  • Deploy microservice version V1 with Istio enabled (using Wercker) Part 1
  • Access GET "/api/creditscore" (in a Browser or in Postman)
  • Observe the microservice behaviour (in Vizceral, Zipkin, Grafana)


Deploy microservice version V1 with Istio enabled (using Wercker)

  1. Set up the source code repo

    We will use an existing application for this tutorial.

    1.1. Sign in to GitHub

    1.2. Go to Sachin's GitHub repo aura-js-creditscore-v1 and fork it. You now have your own working copy of the repo version V1

  2. Set up the Wercker CI/CD

    2.1. Sign in to Wercker

    2.2. Click the + > Add application button in the header of the page

    2.3. Pick GitHub as your SCM and click Next.

    2.4. From the list of repositories, pick the one you forked in step 1.2 and click Next.

    2.5. On the Configure Access page, go with the recommended option and click Next.

    2.6. Review the options you selected and click Create to create the app.

    2.7. In your forked repo, review the aura-js-creditscore-v1/wercker.yml file. Note the following differences as we use Istio side cars alongside our microservice

    a) kubectl step with embedded istioctl command for istio side car injection (manual)

    wercker.yml inject istio side car

    b) workaround since wercker doesn't support embedded istioctl commands

    wercker.yml inject istio side car

    Set up pipelines ("push-to-CR" and "deploy-to-CE")

    Set up pipeline for pushing to container registry ("push-to-CR")

    1.1. Go to the application you created and click on the Workflows tab.

    1.2. Click Add new pipeline button

    1.3. Name the pipeline push-to-CR and use push-image-to-wcr for YML pipeline name (note that this is defined in the wercker.yml file in your forked repo)

    1.4. Click Create to create the pipeline and you should end up with something similar as in the image below:

    push-to-CR Pipeline

    Set up pipeline for pushing to container engine ("deploy-to-CE")

    1.1. Go to the application you created and click on the Workflows tab.

    1.2. Click Add new pipeline button

    1.3. Name the pipeline deploy-to-CE and use deploy-app-to-oce for YML pipeline name(note that this is defined in the wercker.yml file in your forked repo)

    1.4. Click Create to create the pipeline

    1.5. Add pipeline environment variables for the following:

     KUBERNETES_MASTER -- get this URL from your OKE Cluster details page. Don't forget to add the prefix "https://"
     KUBERNETES_TOKEN -- click your profile icon in top right -> Settings -> Personal Tokens and generate one
     KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_ID -- use your OKE Cluster's ID (for eaxmple, you can use the first part from the Kubernetes Master URL)
     NOTE: We have hardcoded DOCKER_EMAIL value in the wercker.yaml file so you don't need to provide it in env variables 

    1.6. Your pipeline should look similar to the image below:

    deploy-to-CE Pipeline

    1.7. Click the Workflows tab again to list all your pipelines:

    All Pipelines

    Set up the workflow

    1.1. Click the (+) sign next to the build, pick the push-to-CR pipeline and click Add:

    Add push-to-CR pipeline to Workflow

    1.2. Click the (+) sign next to the push-to-CR item and select deploy-to-CE pipeline and click Add:

    Add deploy-to-CE pipeline to Workflow

    1.3. Your workflow should look like this:

    All Workflows

  3. Deploy the app using wercker CI/CD

    3.1. In your forked repo, open aura-js-creditscore-v1/routes/creditscore.js

    3.2. Look for the following line and make the requested changes

     // _CHANGE_ : Please comment the line with the DUMMY message and uncomment the one with the Welcome message

    3.3. Commit and push the change to your repo

    3.4. Wercker will fire a workflow run for your V1 commit. Check the progress on the Wercker site by clicking the Runs tab

    Workflow run

    3.5. Click the Releases button in the top nav to confirm the new container image has been uploaded to the registry:

    Releases Image Uploaded

    3.6. Check the Kubernetes dashboard to see if the latest version got deployed. Note: When re-deploying it takes ~35 seconds for K8s to terminate the old pods and start the new pod

    K8s Dashboard Shows Kubernetes Elements Created

    3.7. Check the pod logs

    Pod Logs

Access GET "/api/creditscore" (in a Browser or in Postman)

  1. Get the public IP address from wercker > "aura-js-creditscore-v1" application > Runs > "deploy-to-CE" pipeline output > "get LoadBalancer public IP address" step

  2. Access GET < public-ip-address > /api/creditscore in a browser and you should see the following Welcome message

     { "MESSAGE": "Welcome to aura-js-creditscore version V1" }

Access API in Browser

  1. (OPTIONAL) Access GET /api/creditscore in Postman and you should see the same Welcome message

         "MESSAGE": "Welcome to aura-js-creditscore version V1"  

Access API in Postman

Observe the microservice behaviour (in Vizceral, Zipkin, Grafana)

  1. Check the pod logs again to see the requests that are being logged

Pod Logs

  1. Access Vizceral console (Limited visibility for now, more on the roadmap)

Known Issue: Screen shows the data flowing for ~1 minute. This view doesn't refresh automatically and must be refreshed manually by reloading the top level console.


a) Vizceral Console Top Level

You will see traffic flowing from the internet in to your cluster. Note the service "aura-js-creditscore" pod is deployed in a single AD.

Vizceral Console Level 1

b) Vizceral Console Next Level Drill Down

Click on the circle next to "My Cluster". And you will see traffic flowing from the internet into your "aura-js-creditscore" service.

Vizceral Console Level 2

b) Vizceral Console Service Details

Click on the service circle named "aura-js-creditscore". And you will see additional details about your running aura-js-creditscore service

Vizceral Console Level 3

  1. Access Grafana dashboard (Limited visibility for now, more on the roadmap)


Grafana Part 1

Grafana Part 2

  1. Access Zipkin tracing (Limited visibility for now, more on the roadmap)


Find the last 10, sort by Newest first.

a) Zipkin Tracing Top Level

Zipkin Level 1

b) Zipkin Tracing Second Level

Explore trace by clicking on the first span

Zipkin Level 2

c) Zipkin Tracing Additional Details

Get additional trace details by clicking on the first line of the span "aura-js-creditscore"

Zipkin Level 3