Web/Cross-OS APP Development Resources, from back to front, includes frameworks, plugins, themes.
- Front-end
- Frameworks
- UIs
- Plugins
- BFF & NodeJS
- Frameworks
- Back-end
- Frameworks
- Plugins
- Customized Components
- React
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- React Nativewriting real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android
- Vue Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications
- Angular Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework
- Bootstrap Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end Web framework
- Premium Bootstrap Themes Premium Bootstrap themes, templates, UI Kits and more developed by Creative Tim.
- Ant Design A design system for enterprise-level products. Create an efficient and enjoyable work experience.
- iView Weapp WeChat App UI Framework
- Gatsby v2 Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
- edex-ui A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support
- D3 D3 (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards
- three.js JavaScript 3D library
- animate.css 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing
- husky Git Hooks
- qiankun 📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends
- LozadJS Highly performant, light and configurable lazy loader in pure JS, using IntersectionObserver API
- lazysizes High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images
- Axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Owl Carousel 2 jQuery Responsive Carousel
- react-slick Carousel component built with React
- WeGlot Translation API that integrates seamlessly into your website and delivers it in any languages
- i18n A small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript
- typical Animated typing in ~400 bytes 🐡 of JavaScript
- AliPlayer 阿里云直播播放器插件
- Redux Managing application state
- MobX Simple, scalable state management
- React Navigation Routing and navigation
- react-use React Hooks
- aliplayer-react React component wrapper for aliplayer
- swr React Hooks library for remote data fetching
- formik the world's most popular open source form library for React and React Native
- react-image-crop A responsive image cropping tool for React
- [React Native] tipsi-stripe React Native Stripe binding for iOS/Android platforms
- [React Native] react-navigation-collapsible React Navigation Extension for Collapsible Header
- [React Native] NativeBase Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
- [React Native] react-native-tab-view A cross-platform Tab View component for React Native
- [React Native] react-i18next Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem
Back-end for Front-end & Node
- Php Laravel A free, open-source PHP web framework
- Express A web application framework for Node.js
- Python Django
- Ruby on Rails
- Node.Js Hexo Blog framework
- Mailtrap Mailtrap is a fake SMTP server to test, view and share emails sent from the development and staging environments without spamming real customers
- Twilio Cloud communications platform
- Open Location Platform One system. Every tool you need to build with data plus a growing marketplace for data exchange. All powered by Location Intelligence.
- HERE XYZ A cloud-based, real-time location data management service that enables developers and map makers to create web maps and manage location data.
- Laravel-FCM Laravel-FCM is an easy to use package working with both Laravel and Lumen for sending push notification with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
- image PHP Image Manipulation
- When PHP Date Recursion library
- Guzzle An extensible PHP HTTP client
- AetherUpload-Laravel Laravel Large file upload plugin, multi features
Some customized or improved UI Components and Plugins by myself
- Customized Radio and Checkbox Radios and checkboxs can style via change label's style.
- Phone Number Auto-Format The US Phone number like (111)222-3333 is easier to reconginze. This JS and PHP Functions can help developer quick format phone number.
- Auto Slug When user inputing blog/news' title, slug can generate automatically.