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\documentclass[psfig,12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{times} \setlength{\topmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\headheight}{0pt} % *** for xdvi and ps *** \setlength{\headsep}{0pt} \setlength{\textheight}{9.0truein} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5truein} \setlength{\footskip}{24pt} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\marginparsep}{2pt} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{5pt} \setlength{\parskip}{1em} \hyphenpenalty=2000 \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0} %%%%% Start document %%%%% \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \centering {\Large\bf NHC Ensemble-based Sensitivity Code Readme} \flushleft \vspace{0.3in} This document provides a description of the enclosed code, that can be used to compute ensemble-based sensitivity from gridded ensemble forecast data. The enclosed set of code is written in conda python and is designed to work with any grib files that contain forecast data on a lat/lon grid. Most of the settings for this program are set within a configuration/parameter file, while the date, storm, and parameter file itself are set at the command line. Furthermore, the code is designed to work for a variety of models and computing locations. Those differences related to various locations and models is also isolated to the individual i/o module, which has common routine names, but does all of the model/location specific differences inside of it and is transparent to the rest of the code. The code itself consists of four distinct stages, all of which are controled by run\_NHC\_sens.py \begin{enumerate} \item Data staging and preparation (model and platform specific) \item Computing forecast metrics (fcst\_metrics\_tc.py) \item Compute forecast fields to compute sensitivity to (compute\_tc\_fields.py) \item Compute sensitivity and generate maps (nhc\_sens.py) \end{enumerate} In order to generate sensitivity output, the user should run the following code from the unix command line, which is the command for the Hurricane Laura forecast initialized 0000~UTC 22 August 2020: \vspace{0.1in} python run\_NHC\_sens.py --init 2020082200 --storm laura13l --param nhc\_ecmwf.py, \vspace{0.1in} where the --init argument is the forecast initialization date in yyyymmddhh format, --storm is the TC name, including both the name, TC number, and the basin. The TC number and basin are necessary as the code parses the storm text string to figure out the basin and TC number. Finally, --param is the path to the paramter/configuration file, that contains a number of configuration options that are meant to be static from one initialization time/storm to another, but still gives the user the option to change how the code executes, or how the plots look. Most of the configuration options have default values, though some MUST be set within the file for the code to work. The tables below list the individual parameter/configuration options available and the default values, where appropriate. The outcome of running this code is a set of output directories that include the graphical and gridded sensitivity output. The format of these directory is: \vspace{0.1in} \{figure\_dir\}/\{storm\}\_\{yyyymmddhh\}/\{metric\}/sens/\{field\}, \vspace{0.1in} where storm is the name of the TC (same as --storm line above), yyyymmddhh is the initialization date (same as --init line above), metric is the name of each forecast metric, where each forecast metric has its own directory. For example, the integrated track metric (the default metric of the code) is named f120\_intmajtrack. Positive values of the metric are indicative of a TC that will end up further along and/or i to the right of the ensemble-mean track. The advantage of using this position metric is that it does not require specifying a particular lead time and takes into account the temporal correlation of forecast tracks (i.e., members that are further west early in the forecast will end up further west later on). The user can specify additional metrics to compute sensitivity for using the metrics configuration option. Within each forecast metric directory are two sub-directories, one is called sens, which are the sensitivity plots/grids on a fixed domain, while the other are the plots/grids on a storm-centered grid. Within each of these directories is a set of subdirectories that represent individual forecast fields that you are computing the sensitivity to. The forecast hour in each file's name is the forecast lead time that you are computing the sensitivity to (i.e., a file starting with 202008200\_f036 is the sensitivity of the metric to the 36~h forecast fields.). The table below gives the list of fields for which the sensitivity of TC track/position forecasts are computed and what they represent: \begin{table}[H] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.25in}|p{5.0in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Description \\ \hline\hline usteer & Zonal component of the steering flow. By default, this is designated as the average wind between 300-850~hPa (vortex removed), but this can be changed in the configuration file. \\ \hline vsteer & Meridional component of the steering flow. By default, this is designated as the average wind between 300-850~hPa (vortex removed), but this can be changed in the configuration file. \\ \hline masteer & Major axis winds are the wind component that is in the direction of greatest track variability for that particular case (positive values are either along and/or right of track). In most situations, the sensitivity to the major axis wind is the most useful for sensitivity calculations because it most closely relates to variability in subsequent TC position, which is not often in the Cartesian directions. \\ \hline pv250hPa & 250 hPa potential vorticity \\ \hline h500 & 500 hPa height \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the model subset.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.75in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.00in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline\hline model\_src & string & Name of the model being used in the sensitivity calculation. This is mainly used in plot titles, so the user can set to whatever they want. No default value. \\ \hline io\_module & string & Name of the module to use for obtaining and reading the grib and ATCF file. Each platform and model will have its own module. This value MUST be set by the user. \\ \hline num\_ens & integer & Number of perturbation ensemble members (i.e., ECMWF has 50 perturbed members, GEFS has 30). No default value, so it must be set. \\ \hline fcst\_hour\_int & integer & Forecast hour interval for computing forecast fields for sensitivity calculations in hours. Default: 12 h \\ \hline fcst\_hour\_max & integer & Last forecast hour to compute forecast fields for sensitvity calculations in hours. Default 120 h \\ \hline tigge\_forecast\_time & string & List of forecast hours to read from ECMWF TIGGE archive. \\ \hline tigge\_forecast\_grid\_space & string & Requested grid spacing for data pulled from the TIGGE respository. Default: 1.0/1.0 (one degree) \\ \hline flip\_lon & boolean & Swap longitude from -180 to 180 to 0 to 360. Default False \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the local subset.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.60in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.15in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline\hline atcf\_dir & string & Path to raw ATCF forecast data on local server. No default value \\ \hline model\_dir & string & Path to raw model data on local server. No default value \\ \hline best\_dir & string & Path to best track data on local server. No default value \\ \hline work\_dir & string & Path to work directory where sensitivity calculations are carried out No default value. \\ \hline output\_dir & string & Path to directory to save certain output of the sensitivity calculations, if desired. No default value. \\ \hline script\_dir & string & Path to python scripts and modules (i.e., where this code is located.) No default value. \\ \hline figure\_dir & string & Path to directory where output figures will be placed. No default value. \\ \hline outgrid\_dir & string & Path to directory where gridded sensitivity output will be placed. No default value. \\ \hline log\_dir & string & Path to directory where log file output from the python logging function will be placed. No default value. \\ \hline archive\_metric & boolean & True to save metric netcdf files into the appropriate output\_dir. Default: False \\ \hline archive\_fields & boolean & True to save forecast field netcdf files into the appropriate output\_dir. Default: False \\ \hline save\_work\_dir & boolean & True to save work directory at the end of the execution. Default: False \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the vitals\_plot subset.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.60in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.15in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline \hline trackfile & string & Name of figure that shows the TC track forecast. Default: track.png \\ \hline track\_output\_dir & string & Name of directory to place the track plot. Default: figure\_dir from above \\ \hline intfile & string & Name of figure that shows the TC intensity forecast. Default: intensity.png \\ \hline int\_output\_dir & string & Name of directory to place the intensity plot. Default: figure\_dir from above \\ \hline forecast\_hour\_int & float & Frequency of forecasts from model (hours). Default: 6 \\ \hline forecast\_hour\_max & string & Maximum forecast hour for track and intensity plots. Default: 120 hours \\ \hline plot\_ellipse & boolean & True to plot TC position ellipses on plots. Default: True \\ \hline ellipse\_frequency & float & Frequency to plot the position ellipses (hours). Default: 24 \\ \hline plot\_best & boolean & True to plot best track information, if available. Default: True \\ \hline projection & string & Map projection to use for vitals plot. Default: PlateCarree \\ \hline grid\_interval & float & Latitude and Longitude line grid interval (degrees). Default: 5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the metric subset.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.75in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.00in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline \hline metric\_hours & float & Vector list of forecast hours to compute forecast metrics. No default value \\ \hline track\_eof\_hour\_init & float & Initial forecast hour to use for integrated track metric (hours). Default: 24 \\ \hline track\_eof\_hour\_int & float & Forecast hour interval to use for integrated track metric (hours). Default: 6 \\ \hline track\_eof\_hour\_final & float & Final forecast hour to use for integrated track metric (hours). Default: 120 \\ \hline track\_eof\_member\_frac & float & Fraction of members that need to be present during a forecast hour for track EOF. Default: 0.3 \\ \hline track\_eof\_esign & float & Factor to multiply EOF PC by. Default 1.0 \\ \hline intensity\_eof\_hour\_init & float & Initial forecast hour to use for integrated intensity metric (hours). Default: 24 \\ \hline intensity\_eof\_hour\_int & float & Forecast hour interval to use for integrated intensity metric (hours). Default: 6 \\ \hline intensity\_eof\_hour\_final & float & Final forecast hour to use for integrated intensity metric (hours). Default: 96 \\ \hline intensity\_eof\_member\_frac & float & Fraction of members that need to be present during a forecast hour for intensity EOF. Default: 0.3 \\ \hline kinetic\_energy\_metric & boolean & True to calculate area-average kinetic energy metric. Default: False \\ \hline kinetic\_energy\_radius & float & Radius over which to calculate the average kinetic energy (km). Default: 200 \\ \hline kinetic\_energy\_level & float & Pressure level to use for kinetic energy metric (hPa). Default: 1000 \\ \hline wind\_speed\_eof\_metric & boolean & True to calculate forecast metric that is EOF/PC of the wind speed over the specified time window and area. Currently experimental. Default: False \\ \hline wind\_metric\_file & string & Path to file that contains precipitation EOF metric settings. Assumes the file has the format \{yyyymmddhh\}\_\{storm\}\_wind. No default value. \\ \hline precipitation\_metric & boolean & True to calculate forecast metric that is the average precipitation over the specified time window and area. Currently experimental. Default: False \\ \hline precipitation\_eof\_metric & boolean & True to calculate forecast metric that is EOF/PC of the precipitation over the specified time window and area. Currently experimental. Default: False \\ \hline precip\_metric\_file & string & Path to file that contains precipitation EOF metric settings. Assumes the file has the format \{yyyymmddhh\}\_\{storm\}\_precip. No default value. \\ \hline projection & string & Map projection to use for metric plot. Default: PlateCarree \\ \hline grid\_interval & float & Latitude and Longitude line grid interval (degrees). Default: 5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the field subset.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.60in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.15in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline \hline calc\_uvsteer & boolean & True to compute the u/v component of the steering wind. Default: True \\ \hline calc\_steer\_circ & boolean & True to compute the circulation/vorticity from the steering wind. Default: False \\ \hline steer\_level1 & float & Lowest pressure level to use to compute the layer-average steering wind (hPa). Default: 300 \\ \hline steer\_level2 & float & Highest pressure level to use to compute the layer-average steering wind (hPa). Default: 850 \\ \hline steer\_radius & float & Radius to use for removing the TC from the model fields (km). Default: 333 \\ \hline calc\_height & boolean & True to compute gepotential height on specified pressure levels. Default: True \\ \hline height\_levels & float & List of pressure levels to compute the geopotential height (hPa). Default: 500 \\ \hline calc\_pv250hPa & boolean & True to compute PV on the 250 hPa surface. Default: True \\ \hline calc\_theta-e & boolean & True to compute equivalent potential temperature at specified pressure levels. Default: False \\ \hline theta-e\_levels & float & List of pressure levels to compute equivalent potential temperature (hPa). Default: 700, 850 \\ \hline calc\_q500-850hPa & boolean & True to compute the integrated water vapor between 500 and 850~hPa. Default: False \\ \hline calc\_winds & boolean & True to compute zonal and meridional wind at specified pressure levels. Default: False \\ \hline wind\_levels & float & List of pressure levels to compute zonal and meridional wind (hPa). Default: 850 \\ \hline min\_lat & float & Minimum latitude to compute forecast fields over. Default: 0.0 \\ \hline max\_lat & float & Maximum latitude to compute forecast fields over. Default: 65.0 \\ \hline min\_lon & float & Minimum longitude to compute forecast fields over. Default: -180.0 \\ \hline max\_lon & float & Maximum longitude to compute forecast fields over. Default: -10.0 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Configuration options for the sens subset. This set of parameters set the display options for the sensitivity plots.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{1.60in}|p{0.5in}|p{4.15in}|} \hline Parameter Name & Type & Description \\ \hline \hline metrics & string & List of names of forecast metrics to compute the sensitivity to. Default: none \\ \hline min\_lat & float & Minimum latitude for sensitivity plots. Default: 8.0, also set in run\_NHC\_sens.py based on basin. \\ \hline max\_lat & float & Maximum latitude for sensitivity plots. Default: 65.0, also set in run\_NHC\_sens.py based on basin. \\ \hline min\_lon & float & Minimum longitude for sensitivity plots. Default: -140.0, also set in run\_NHC\_sens.py based on basin. \\ \hline max\_lon & float & Maximum longitude for sensitivity plots. Default: -20.0, also set in run\_NHC\_sens.py based on basin. \\ \hline zero\_non\_sig\_sens & boolean & True to plot only the statistically significant sensitivity locations. Default: False \\ \hline grid\_interval & float & Latitude and Longitude line grid interval (degrees). Default: 10$^{\circ}$. \\ \hline barb\_interval & integer & Number of grid points in between each wind barb in the plot. Default: 6 grid points \\ \hline dropsonde\_file & string & Full path to file of dropsonde locations. Default: none \\ \hline drop\_file\_type & string & Type of dropsonde file to read. Default: nhc \\ \hline drop\_mark\_size & integer & Marker size of dropsonde locations in plot. Default: 6 \\ \hline drop\_mark\_color & string & Dropsonde marker color in plot. Default: black \\ \hline drop\_mark\_type & string & Dropsonde marker in plot. Default: + \\ \hline rawinsonde\_file & string & Full path to file of rawinsonde locations. Default: none \\ \hline rawin\_mark\_size & integer & Marker size of rawinsonde locations in plot. Default: 6 \\ \hline rawin\_mark\_color & string & Rawinsonde marker color in plot. Default: gray \\ \hline range\_rings & boolean & True to plot range rings from the predicted TC center. Default: True \\ \hline ring\_values & floats & List of range ring radii for plot in km. Default: \\ \hline output\_sens & boolean & True to create netCDF file that contains gridded sensitivity fields that can be used in AWIPS or traveling salesman. Default: True \\ \hline nhc\_sens & boolean & True to create NHC version of the gridded netCDF file, which means that it includes a variable that is the absolute value of sensitivity (for traveling salesman software). Default: False \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \end{document}
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