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Job opening: Scala programmer at Rhinofly

Each new project we start is being developed in Scala. Therefore, we are in need of a Scala programmer who loves to write beautiful code. No more legacy projects or maintenance of old systems of which the original programmer is already six feet under. What we need is new, fresh code for awesome projects.

Are you the Scala programmer we are looking for? Take a look at the job description (in Dutch) and give the Scala puzzle a try! Send us your solution and you will be invited for a job interview.

Scala mailer module for Play 2.3.x

Scala wrapper around java mail which allows you to send emails. The default configuration options exposed in Configuration work using Amazon SES SMTP


  val appDependencies = Seq(
    "nl.rhinofly" %% "play-mailer" % "3.0.0"
  val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
    resolvers += "Rhinofly Internal Release Repository" at ""


application.conf should contain the following information:

mail.failTo="[email protected]"

#only required if mail.auth=true (the default)
mail.username="Smtp username as generated by Amazon"
mail.password="Smtp password"

application.conf can additionally contain the following information:

#default is smtps

#default is true


Creating an email

  import play.modules.mailer._

    subject = "Test mail",
    from = EmailAddress("Erik Westra sender", "[email protected]"),
    text = "text",
    htmlText = "htmlText",
    replyTo = None,
    recipients = List(Recipient(
    	RecipientType.TO, EmailAddress("Erik Westra recipient", "[email protected]"))),
    attachments = Seq.empty)
  // a more convenient way to create an email
  val email = Email(
    subject = "Test mail",
    from = EmailAddress("Erik Westra sender", "[email protected]"),
    text = "text",
    htmlText = "htmlText")
    .to("Erik Westra TO", "[email protected]")
    .cc("Erik Westra CC", "[email protected]")
    .bcc("Erik Westra BCC", "[email protected]")
    .replyTo("Erik Westra REPLY_TO", "[email protected]")
    	Attachment("attachment1", Array[Byte](0, 1), "application/octet-stream"),
    	Attachment("attachment2", Array[Byte](0, 1), "application/octet-stream", Disposition.Inline))

Sending an email synchronously

  import play.modules.mailer._
  val result:Try[Unit] = Mailer.sendEmail(email)
  result match {
    case Success(_) => 
    	//mail sent successfully
    case Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause)) => 
    	//failed to send email, cause provides more information 
    case Failure(SendEmailTransportCloseException(None, cause)) =>
        //failed to close the connection, no email was sent
    case Failure(SendEmailTransportCloseException(Some(Success(_)), cause)) =>
        //failed to close the connection, the email was sent
    case Failure(SendEmailTransportCloseException(Some(Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause1)), cause2)) =>
        //failed to close the connection, the email was not sent

Sending multiple emails synchronously

  import play.modules.mailer._
  val result:Try[Seq[Try[Unit]]] = Mailer.sendEmails(email1, email2)
  result match {
    case Success(results) =>
      results.foreach {
        case Success(_) => 
          //mail sent successfully
        case Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause)) =>
          //failed to send email, cause provides more information
    case Failure(SendEmailsTransportCloseException(None, cause)) =>
      //failed to close the connection, no email was sent
    case Failure(SendEmailsTransportCloseException(Some(Seq(Success(_), Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause1))), cause2)) =>
      //failed to close the connection, one of the emails was sent

Sending mail asynchonously

  import play.modules.mailer._

  val result:Future[Unit] = AsyncMailer.sendEmail(email)
    .map { unit =>
      // mail sent successfully
  .recover {
    case SendEmailException(email, cause) => 
      // problem sending email
    case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) => 
      // problem closing connection

Sending mails asynchonously

  import play.modules.mailer._

  val result:Future[Seq[Try[Unit]]] = AsyncMailer.sendEmails(email)
    .map { results =>
      results.foreach {
        case Success(_) => 
          //mail sent successfully
        case Failure(SendEmailException(email, cause)) =>
          //failed to send email, cause provides more information
    .recover {
      case SendEmailException(email, cause) => 
        // problem sending email
      case SendEmailTransportCloseException(result, cause) => 
        // problem closing connection


Play mailer module based on Amazon SES







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