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NOTE: GIF above looks choppy because it's a GIF, the real thing is smooth, I promise...


Use THREE on Expo! Just npm i -S three expo-three in your Expo project and import it with import ExpoTHREE from 'expo-three';.


ExpoTHREE.createRenderer({ gl, ...extras })

Given a gl from an Expo.GLView, return a THREE.WebGLRenderer that draws into it.

ExpoTHREE.createTextureAsync({ asset })

Given an Expo.Asset, return a (Promise that will resolve with a) THREE.Texture backed by that asset as an image.

ExpoTHREE.createARCamera(arSession, width, height, near, far)

Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession, return a THREE.PerspectiveCamera that automatically updates its view and projection matrices to reflect the AR session camera. width, height specify the dimensions of the target viewport to render to and near, far specify the near and far clipping distances respectively. The THREE.PerspectiveCamera returned has its updateMatrixWorld and updateProjectionMatrix methods overriden to update to the AR session's state automatically.

ExpoTHREE.createARBackgroundTexture(arSession, renderer)

Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession and a THREE.WebGLRenderer, return a THREE.Texture that reflects the live video feed of the AR session. Usually this is set as the .background property of a THREE.Scene to render the video feed behind the scene's objects.


Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession, return a (object) the shape of which looks like:

  • ambientIntensity: number
  • This value ranges from 0 - 2000. 0 being very dark and 2000 being very bright.
  • ambientColorTemperature: number
  • This value ranges from 0 - 6500. This value is in kelvins and 6500 is white.


Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession, return an (array) of points:

  • x
  • y
  • z
  • id


Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession and a bool, Enable or disable light estimation.


Given an arSession from NativeModules.ExponentGLViewManager.startARSession and a bool, sets the type of planes to detect in the scene.


  • ExpoTHREE.utils.alignMesh: A function that requires a THREE.Mesh, an optional object containing x, y, z axis values relative to the model.
  • ExpoTHREE.utils.scaleLongestSideToSize: Given a THREE.Mesh and a number, this will find the longest side and scale it to the provided model.
  • ExpoTHREE.utils.computeMeshNormals: Used for smoothing imported geometry, specifically when imported from .obj models.


A function that will asynchronously load files based on their extension.


  • res: The file to load

    • number: Static file reference require('./model.*')
    • Array<number>: Collection of static file references [require('./model.*')]
    • string: The Expo.Asset localUri
    • Array<string>: Collection of Expo.Asset localUris
    • Expo.Asset: Not yet supported!
  • onProgress: A callback Function that will return a xhr object

  • assetProvider: A callback Function that is used to request static assets required by the model

    • (assetName: string): The async Function should return a static asset require('./texture.*') or an Expo.Asset Expo.Asset.fromModule(require('./texture.*'))

Supported Formats

A list of supported formats can be found here

THREE Extensions


A function that suppresses EXGL compatibility warnings and logs them instead. You will need to import the ExpoTHREE.THREE global instance to use this. By default this function will be activated on import.

  • shouldSuppress: boolean
import { THREE } from 'expo-three';

Used to load in a texture cube or skybox.

  • assetForDirection: This function will be called for each of the 6 directions.
    • ({ direction }): A direction string will be passed back looking for the corresponding image. You can send back: static resource, localUri, Expo.Asset, remote image url
  • directions: The order that image will be requested in. The default value is: ['px', 'nx', 'py', 'ny', 'pz', 'nz']


const skybox = {
	nx: require('./nx.jpg'),
	ny: require('./ny.jpg'),
	nz: require('./nz.jpg'),
	px: require('./px.jpg'),
	py: require('./py.jpg'),
	pz: require('./pz.jpg')
scene.background = await loadCubeTextureAsync({
  assetForDirection: ({ direction }) => skybox[direction],


This is based on

In a new blank Expo project, run npm i -S three expo-three to install THREE and ExpoTHREE. Then replace main.js with the following:

import Expo from 'expo';
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';

import * as THREE from 'three';
import ExpoTHREE from 'expo-three';

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // Create an `Expo.GLView` covering the whole screen, tell it to call our
    // `_onGLContextCreate` function once it's initialized.
    return (
        style={{ flex: 1 }}

  // This is called by the `Expo.GLView` once it's initialized
  _onGLContextCreate = async gl => {
    // Based on
    // In this case we instead use a texture for the material (because textures
    // are cool!). All differences from the normal THREE.js example are
    // indicated with a `NOTE:` comment.

    const scene = new THREE.Scene();
    const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
      gl.drawingBufferWidth / gl.drawingBufferHeight,

    // NOTE: How to create an `Expo.GLView`-compatible THREE renderer
    const renderer = ExpoTHREE.createRenderer({ gl });
    renderer.setSize(gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);

    const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
    const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
      // NOTE: How to create an Expo-compatible THREE texture
      map: await ExpoTHREE.createTextureAsync({
        asset: Expo.Asset.fromModule(require('./assets/icons/app-icon.png')),
    const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

    camera.position.z = 5;

    const render = () => {

      cube.rotation.x += 0.07;
      cube.rotation.y += 0.04;

      renderer.render(scene, camera);

      // NOTE: At the end of each frame, notify `Expo.GLView` with the below


Utilities for using THREE.js on Expo






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