This python script set will query Alfresco with given query statements. refer to the file for the provided end points. This can be utilized with an angular app to get user groups and audit information for a node
All Crud operations are supported but filtering of specific CRUD operations needs to be built out in the script
Install python 3.10.5 or higher then...
There's a requirements.txt file ready to go with everything you need to get going.
run from the command line from the root of the project: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
be sure to create a .env file in the root of the project. There's a envTemplate.txt file that can be used as a starter.
This project is configure like a micro-service. Run the app by using the command "flask run" from the command line. this will fire up the and use the default port of 9600. you will be able to navigate to an endpoint with http://:9600
access the root of the microservice: http://:9600. you will see a list of end points that are configured. Swagger interface coming soon!
from the command line at the root of the project: python3
There's also a docker commands file in the root of the project for you to create a container