This is the root directory for the webpages of several projects from the ROAM lab. Here is a list of available webpage under
- HWasP: Hardware as Policy: Mechanical and Computational Co-Optimization using Deep Reinforcement Learning
- DiscoSyn: Discovering Synergies for Robot Manipulation with Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning
- In-Hand Manipulation: On the Feasibility of Learning Finger-gaiting In-hand Manipulation with Intrinsic Sensing
- DSSM: Adaptive Semi-Supervised Intent Inferral to Control a Powered Hand Orthosis for Stroke
- SBRL: Sampling-based Exploration for Reinforcement Learning of Dexterous Manipulation
- GE: Dexterous In-hand Manipulation by Guiding Exploration with Simple Sub-skills Controllers
- HULA: Decision Making for Human-in-the-loop Robotic Agents via Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning
- MORPH: Design Co-optimization with Reinforcement Learning via a Differentiable Hardware Model Proxy
- TentaMORPH: Task-based Design and Policy Co-Optimization for Tendon-driven Underactuated Kinematic Chains
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