Python module for kerberos admin (kadm5)
import kadmin
kadm = kadmin.init_with_keytab("user/[email protected]", "/path/to/keytab")
kadm = kadmin.init_with_ccache("user/[email protected]", "/path/to/krb5cc")
kadm = kadmin.init_with_password("user/[email protected]", "aStrongPassword")
used for direct database access as local root account.
import kadmin_local as kadmin
kadm = kadmin.local();
* kadmin_local also supports the other init_with_<method> initializers whereas kadmin does not support local. It is advised that kadmin_local is used for rapid unpacked iteration, other tasks should be handled by the gssapi connection.
###Principal Creation:
>>> # ank, addprinc, add_principal are all aliases for principal creation
>>> # omitting a password or setting to None results in a randomized key
>>> # kadm.ank(principal [, password|None] [, db_args=db_args])
>>> kadm.ank("[email protected]", "correcthorsebatterysaple")
>>> kadm.addprinc("[email protected]", None)
>>> #
>>> kadm.add_principal("[email protected]", None, db_args={'dn':'uid=user,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'})
###Principal Attributes:
>>> princ = kadm.getprinc("[email protected]")
>>> # getters only
>>> princ.principal
>>> # get: unicode
>>> # get: unicode
>>> princ.mod_name
>>> # get: unicode
>>> princ.mod_date
>>> # get: datetime.datetime
>>> princ.last_pwd_change
>>> # get: [datetime.datetime|None]
>>> princ.last_success
>>> # get: [datetime.datetime|None]
>>> princ.last_failure
>>> # get: [datetime.datetime|None]
>>> #getters & setters
>>> princ.expire = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25)
>>> # get: datetime.datetime
>>> # set: [str|unicode|datetime.datetime|None]
>>> princ.pwexpire = u'Now'
>>> # get: datetime.datetime
>>> # set: [str|unicode|datetime.datetime|None]
>>> princ.maxlife = "8 Days"
>>> # get: datetime.timedelta
>>> # set: [str|unicode|datetime.timedelta|None]
>>> princ.maxrenewlife = datetime.timedelta(days=2)
>>> # get: datetime.timedelta
>>> # set: [str|unicode|datetime.timedelta|None]
>>> princ.policy = "strong_password_policy"
>>> # get: unicode
>>> # set: [str|unicode|kadmin.Policy]
>>> princ.kvno = 1
>>> # get: int
>>> # set: [int]
>>> # at this point the local copy of the principal is modified
>>> # the remote will not change until commit is called as shown
>>> princ.commit()
>>> # for an existing principal object discard local state and
>>> # fetch the state as it appears in the database
>>> princ.reload()
###Change a password:
princ = kadm.getprinc("[email protected]")
for princ in kadm.principals():
# princ is a string
print princ
for princ in kadm.principals('r*@EXAMPLE.COM'):
# princ is a string starting with 'r' and ending with '@EXAMPLE.COM'
print princ
# unpacked iteration
# prints each principal, data is optiona
def callback_a(princ, data):
def callback_b(princ, data):
print("{0}{1}".format(data, princ))
# invoke callback_a for each principal, equivilent of the above iteration.
# invoke callback_b for each principal resulting in "Hello, [email protected]"
kadm.each_principal(callback_b, data="Hello, ")
# WARNING: unpack iteration deprecated in favor of "each iteration" with callbacks.
# unless run on the default backend via kadmin_local unpack iteration is *extremely* slow.
# old style unpack iteration [updated]
# replaces: kadm.principals('*', unpack=True)
for princ in kadm.principals('*'):
principal = kadm.get_princ(princ)
# use principal as needed