Everyone and anyone who loves tasty jams, and sharing those scrumptous beats with friends.
- Product Owner: Seán Michael Ellison-Chen
- Scrum Master: Alex David Moores
- Development Team Members AKA Dream-Makers: Mohammad Farooqi, Faiz Mohammed
1.) npm install 2.) bower install 3.) grunt (not literally, but the task runner I mean)
- node
- npm
- bower
- grunt
- sqlite3
- babel
From within the root directory:
// create's config.js and populate file with port and api_key
echo "module.exports = {port: <port_no_here>, YOUTUBE_API_KEY: <YOUR_KEY_HERE>};" >> ./server/config.js
// socketAddr used in client/src/js/index.js
echo "window.socketAddr = '<APP URL i.e., http://localhost:8080>';" >> ./client/socketAddr.js
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
grunt (again, not literally. Not like the verb or anything. You know what I mean? I mean the taskrunner. It's a pretty cool thing that lets us run multiple tasks in one go. Wouldn't it be silly if we were literally grunting though? I mean like, can you even imagine? That'd be pretty funny, right? Good stuff. My uncle had a very distinctive grunt. You could hear it from a mile away. Well, not like a literal mile. That's a little far for a grunt to be heard. But you could definitely hear it from across a room.)
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See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.