A couple of small utilities to generate random avatars for users of incognito groups.
Simple utility to generate avatars of different shapes and colors from prepared blueprints. The result of the program generates 128*128px avatars like these:
- images folder must exist and contain template 128x128 images in .png format. While there are no restrictions on image contents, best results are achieved with black-on-transparent template images. No non-images files are allowed in this folder, the program currently does not retry image generation if randomly chosen file turns out to be a non-image
- colors.json file must contain JSON with a list of available colors.
The program
$ python generateavatar.py folder
Where folder is a folder to store the output file.
Simple utility to merge two different avatars, for use in two-person private chats. The result of the program generates 128*128px avatars like these:
$ python mergeavatars.py firstavatar secondavatar folder
Where firstavatar and secondavatar are original avatar images, and folder is a folder to store output file. URLs are accepted as file parameters.
- GNU AGPL 3.0 license
- Copyright 2020 © redsolution OÜ.