v0.3.0: PLY (Binary + ASCII) + Bugfixes and Improvements
New Features:
- AssetKit now supports PLY (both ASCII and Binary) files
- endian helper to read binary data; use common endian header for all formats (endian.h)
- documentation
Bugfixes and Improvements:
- wobj: fix loading wavefront object if there is no NORMAL (position + texture case)
- wobj: improve switching between objects (use triangle object if the target is not poly)
- wobj: join group and object separations
- add new compare func for ivec3
- wobj: group/separate primitives by usemtl: mesh primitives created for each usemtl, base buffers and accessors are shared between them
- reuse postscript functions and files
- use short names for input semantics; remove _SEMANTIC from enum constants
- improve byte swap operations and make cross platform
- rename _assetkit_hide macros to AK_HIDE
- add common strpool to avoid duplications
- stl: fix loading normals in Binary STL
- dae: fix load skin controllers
- dae: move controller postscripts to separate file
- drop stb image, let user load images themselves
- provide callbacks for loading images
- move dependencies from lib/ folder to deps/
- remove unused files, suppress warnings, update README
- remove sample-model sub repo for tests