#Neural Playground Place, connect, and play around with your own neural network composed of different types of neurons
View the project here http://rdsilver.github.io/neural-playground/ (Only tested in Chrome) (Once this is a RoR app I will compile with Babel so everyone can use)
Click on a cell when in "Place/Delete neuron mode" to place a neuron there of your choosing. To delete a neuron at a cell, click on it while in "Place/Delete neuron mode" To change neuron type choose an option from the dropdown menu
To add connections between neurons click anywhere inside the "Place/Delete connection" to switch to that mode. First select a neuron (will turn gold) then select the neuron you want it to be connected to. To delete a connection do the same thing but where a connection already exists. Connections can either be one way or two way connections. (I need to come up with a way to tell these apart by looking at the connection)
Click anywhere in the "live" panel to switch to live mode. Click on a cell to add one charge, once a neuron reaches it's activation level it will send out an action potential to all it's outbound neighbors.
Timer Neurons ignore inbound action potentials and just continue do activate every X seconds.
This is a WIP and new features will be added along side a better GUI. You can track what is being worked on in the github ISSUES.
If you add a neuron/feature, please make sure all tests pass and to add relevant testing methods http://rdsilver.github.io/neural-playground/jasmine/SpecRunner.html?