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Releases: radifar/PyPLIF-HIPPOS


15 Aug 13:43
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This version add two features since version 0.1.2

  1. Omit specific interaction in specific residue see this documentation for more detail.
  2. Direct IFP mode, allowing user to analyze arbitrary protein-ligand complex file rather than the output of docking tools (PLANTS or AutoDock VINA).

PyPLIF HIPPOS 0.1.2 - minor bug fix

26 Aug 05:11
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Fix minor bug on disulfide bridge, you can select CYS residue in disulfide bridge now.

If you already installed PyPLIF-HIPPOS via conda, just update with the following command:

conda update pyplif-hippos

PyPLIF HIPPOS 0.1.1 - minor bug fix

24 Aug 19:54
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This release fix the error when using phenylalanine residue and simplified bitstring setting.

If you already installed via conda, just update with the following command:

conda update pyplif-hippos

PyPLIF HIPPOS 0.1.0 released

05 Aug 07:00
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First PyPLIF HIPPOS release, version 0.1.0.