Hi, I am 박성렬(朴成烈) from South Korea. For those who can't understand Korean or the Chinese letters, I use the romanized version of my name on the web; Park Sungryeol. It's [pak̚s̕ʌŋɲyʌl] in IPA. If it's too difficult to pronounce, please just call me Max(or Maxwell). I am not so picky about how people calling me, so please pick the one you like.
I especially love❣️ data📈, visuals👁️ and cool stuff😎.
I've been working as a frontend web engineer. These are the toolsets frequently used for my projects:
- Javascript/Typescript/Node.js/WebGL
- Go
- Python
- Rust
- 📚 Data visualization: D3.js, Three.js(3D)
- 🧶 Web Crawling: Puppeteer.js, Beautifulsoup...
- 👀 React.js/Vue.js/Next.js/Nuxt.js
- 🛠 Docker/Docker-Swarm/k8/git/Nginx/Traefik/Terraform
Just like other github users, this is not my work account; some commits are omitted from my code commit table.
- Official web🏠: https://sungryeol.com/
- Observable(data visualization): https://observablehq.com/@rabelais
- Codepen: https://codepen.io/rabelais88
- Codesandbox(especially 3D): https://codesandbox.io/u/rabelais88
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabelais
- Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/9292770/sungryeol