This is a very simple API you can use for learning API Testing. It is built using express and nodejs. It stores data into a JSON File stored under "database" folder with the name "PFMembers.json". There are seven endpoints in this api.
Members - http://localhost:5002/api/members
- GET ALL (/) - This will return all the members. You can also use query parameter to filter out based on gender.
- GET (/ID) - You can retrieve a specific member based on it's ID.
- POST (/) - You can POST a new members into PFMembers.json file.
- PUT (/ID) - You can UPDATE an existing member into PFMembers.json file by providing BOTH NAME and GENDER.
- PATCH (/ID) - You can UPDATE an existing member into PFMembers.json file by providing either NAME or GENDER or BOTH.
- DELETE (/ID) - You can DELETE an existing member into PFMembers.json file.
- Both JSON and XML responses are available.
File Upload - http://localhost:5002/api/upload
- POST (/) - You can POST a new FILE into fileuploads folder.
File Download - http://localhost:5002/api/download?name=FileNameWithExtension
- GET (/) - You can download a FILE. e.g. http://localhost:5002/api/download?name=Test.jpg
Delayed Response - http://localhost:5002/api/lag?delay=TimeInMilliSeconds
- Change TimeInMilliSeconds with Appropriate Value e.g. http://localhost:5002/api/lag?delay=3000 would delay the response by 3 Seconds
Mandatory Header in the Request - http://localhost:5002/api/sendheader
- Error if channelName header is not set in the Request Object.
Vehicles - http://localhost:5002/api/vehicles
- GET ALL (/) - This will return all the vehicles.
Authors - http://localhost:5002/api/authors
- GET ALL (/) - This will return all the authors.
- Install node.js
- Install VS Code as IDE
- Install nodemon globally by opening terminal and running the following command : -
- npm install nodemon -g
- Download this project on to your system
- Open the Project in VS Code and in the integrated terminal of VS Code run the following command: -
- npm install
- To start the project type the following command in the integrated terminal of VS Code: -
- npm start
- By default this project runs on PORT 5002; to change it kindly open app.js file and update the following line of code: -
- const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5002
- This project has basic authentication in place. So, the hit the endpoints you have to provide the username and password.
- username = admin
- password = admin