Command reading, parsing and interpreting
- For interactive prompt simply run
- For batch execution supply your command file as an argument. The output is the result of the last operation executed. (Beware that assignment operator has no value, so if you want to see contents of a variable, just say it's name in the last command). Execution of this script
var = 3 * 4
will yield 12.
Matrices are input like this:
[[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [3 2 1] [4 5 6]]
Supported prefix unary operations are '+', '-' and 'T'. T stands for 'transpose'. And since it is a keyword, 'T' cannot be a variable name.
v = T ---[3 4 5] # v is a 3 x 1 vector (-3 -4 -5)^T.
Semantics for some operations:
| is concatenation where applicable and bitwise OR in other places. For example
[[1 2] [1 2]] | [[3 4] [3 4]]
results in [[1 2 3 4][1 2 3 4]]
& is inner product (generalized dot product) or bitwise AND.
For regression testing launch