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Building Qt with Visual Studio 2015

Marcus Ottosson edited this page Dec 6, 2015 · 1 revision

Qt 5.5 doesn't ship with binaries for Visual Studio 2015, which is the only compiler on Windows with support for C++11.

Here's how I built it; given these instructions, set-up should take around 10 minutes, whereas compilation took less than 2 hours on my relatively fast machine.


Once you've downloaded Qt and installed the source, build it like this.

set CL=/MP                             :: Enable multi-process compilation
set INSTALL_DIR=c:\qt\5.5\msvc2015_64  :: Set installation directory
configure.bat -prefix %INSTALL_DIR% -confirm-license -debug-and-release -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtwebkit-examples -opensource
nmake                                  :: Wait 1-2 hours
nmake install                          :: Wait 5-10 minutes


An article here provides good information on how to build Qt on Windows using the latest incarnation of Visual Studio, but overcomplicates things for my personal use case; that is, I don't need QtWebKit.

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