Just a VdoCipher api wrapper for python.
$ pip install vdocipher.py
import vdocipher
# First, we need to authenticate our api
# Examples:
# obtaining a list of videos
videos = vdocipher.Video().get_list()
# obtaining a list of all videos
videos = vdocipher.Video().get_all()
# uploading a video
new_video = vdocipher.Video(title='title').upload('file')
# uploading a video from HTTP(s)/FTP urls
new_video = .vdocipher.Video().upload_by_url('url_video')
# obtaining a video
video = vdocipher.Video(id=1).get()
# search for videos
videos = vdocipher.Video().query('some_text')
# removing a video
# adding a video subtitle
subtitle = vdocipher.Video(id=1).upload_subtitle('file')
# removing a video subtitle
subtitle = vdocipher.Video(id=1).delete_subtitle(subtitle.id)
# adding a video tag
video = vdocipher.Video(id=1).add_tags(['Ubuntu', 'Blender'])
# adding tag in multiple videos
vidos_id = ['xdv23rosj940fj49jfd9ajl','29fjue98lsd934hfg9']
tag_list = ['Vdocipher', 'Games', 'Unity']
response = self.vdocipher.Video().add_tags(videos_id=videos_id, tags=tag_list)
# searching videos with tag
video_list = vdocipher.Video().search_tag(tag='Unity')
# obtaining all tags
tag_list = vdocipher.Video().list_tags()
# changing video tags
video = elf.vdocipher.Video().replace_tag(['Capture-one', 'Zbrush'])
# changing tag in multiple videos
vidos_id = ['xdv23rosj940fj49jfd9ajl','29fjue98lsd934hfg9']
tag_list_replace = ['Python', 'Rust', 'TypeScript']
replace = vdocipher.Video().replace_tag(videos_id=video_list_id, tags=tag_list_replace)
# deleting video tag
video = vdocipher.Video(id=1).delete_tag('JavaScript')
# deleting all video tags
video = vdocipher.Video(id=1).delete_all_tags()
# deleting a tags in multiple videos
vidos_id = ['xdv23rosj940fj49jfd9ajl','29fjue98lsd934hfg9']
vdocipher.Video().delete_tag_by_video_ids(videos_ids=vidos_id, tag='PythonJS')
# deleting all tags in multiple videos
video = vdocipher.Video().delete_tag_to_video_ids(videos_id=video_list_id)
# List all files of a video including captions and posters
video = vdocipher.Video().list_all_files()
# adding a video poster
poster = vdocipher.Video(id=1).upload_poster('file')
# obtaining post url
poster_url = vdocipher.Video(id=1).get_url_posters()
# obtaining OTP
otp = OTP().create(videoid='your_video_id')
# or
otp = Video(title='test video').upload('file').create_otp()
# opt with anotations
annotate = Annotate(
annotation_type='text' # Set type parameter as "rtext" for Dynamic watermark
text='Name: {name}, email: {email}, IP: {ip}', # You can add user identifiable information
annotate_list = [annotate]
otp = vdocipher.OTP(annotations=annotate_list).create(videoid='your_video_id')
# generating OTP for offline use
duration = 15 * 24 * 3600
rule = LicenseRules(
otp = vdocipher.OTP(license_rules=rule).create(videoid='your_video_id')
# opt with url whitelist
url = "vdocipher.com"
otp = vdocipher.OTP(white_list_href=url).create(videoid='your_video_id')
# otp with IP and GeoRules
geo_rules = IPGeoRule(
ip_set=["", "49.323.23.56"],
country_set=["IN", "GB"]
geo_rule_list = [geo_rule]
otp = vdocipher.OTP(ip_geo_rule=geo_rules_list).create(videoid='your_video_id')
# obtaining video bandwidth
video_obj = vdocipher.Video(id='12rew').get()
date_filter = date(year=2021, month=5, day=13)
video_bandwidth = video_obj.bandwidth(date_filter)
# obtaining all video bandwidth
date_filter = date(year=2021, month=5, day=13)
bandwidth = vdocipher.VideoBandwidth()
list_video_bandwidth = bandwidth.get(date_filter=date_filter)
# obtaining video from bandwidth
bandwidth = vdocipher.VideoBandwidth()
video_bandwidth = bandwidth.get(date_filter)[0]
video = video_bandwidth.video
$ git clone https://github.com/puzzlsoftwarehouse/vdocipher.py.git
$ cd vdocipher.py
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install .[dev]
build and publish
$ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
$ twine upload -r pypi dist/*