Original repo location: https://github.com/warner/python-tweetnacl
This forked repo's goal is to add extra API calls for deterministic key derivation from specified 'seed' bytearray:
pk,sk = crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed)
Note: you probably don't want to use this. Use pynacl instead, which has more features, about x10 times faster and is better-maintained.
This is a python binding to the "tweetnacl" cryptography library, by djb and others. The binding was originally written by Jan Mojžíš, downloaded from http://mojzis.com/software/python-tweetnacl/index.html . It was further modified by Brian Warner.
Public-Key Authenticated Encryption (Curve25519+XSalsa20+Poly1305)
pk,sk = crypto_box_keypair()
c = crypto_box(msg, nonce, pk_B, sk_A)
encryption pre-computation:
k = crypto_box_beforenm(pk_B, sk_A)
c = crypto_box_afternm(msg, nonce, k)
msg = crypto_box_open(c, nonce, pk_A, sk_B)
decryption pre-computation:
msg = crypto_box_open_afternm(c, nonce, k)
Symmetric-Key Authenticated Encryption (XSalsa20+Poly1305)
c = crypto_secretbox(msg, nonce, key)
msg = crypto_secretbox_open(c, nonce, key)
Public-Key Signatures (Ed25519)
pk,sk = crypto_sign_keypair()
signedmsg = crypto_sign(msg, sk)
msg = crypto_sign_open(signedmsg, pk)
Hashing (SHA512)
h = crypto_hash(msg)
constant-time comparison
Scalar Multiplication (Curve25519)
p2 = crypto_scalarmult(n, p1)
p2 = crypto_scalarmult_base(n)
Pseudo-Random Stream Generator (XSalsa20)
c = crypto_stream(len, nonce, key)
- unauthenticated stream-cipher encryption:
c = crypto_stream_xor(msg, nonce, key)
One-Time Authentication (Poly1305)
auth = crypto_onetimeauth(msg, key)
crypto_onetimeauth_verify(auth, msg, key)
python setup.py build
python setup.py test
: run unit testspython setup.py speed
: run performance benchmarks
This binding is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE in this distribution).