Note: GIS-on-a-Stick is no longer a maintained project. We are no longer posting out free USB drives of GIS-on-a-Stick. We apologise for any inconvenience.
GIS-on-a-Stick is a USB flash drive containing the open source QGIS software and free Vicmap data in a self-contained spatial database. It was designed as a quickstart for projects that could benefit from GIS software and Victorian Government data.
GIS-on-a-Stick was launched at the Newtech Conference in Ballarat on March 2014:
GIS-on-a-Stick is a winner in the inaugural Data Vic Competition:
- PC - run
straight from the stick to launch QGIS and included project (no prior installation of QGIS required) - Mac, Linux - download and install QGIS to your machine, then launch it and open up
on the stick
GIS-on-a-Stick contains the following Windows software applications.
- Source:
- More information:
- Destination:
Recommended settings:
- Settings > Options > General > Project files > untick Prompt to save...
- Settings > Options > Map Tools > Identify Mode > Top down, stop at first
- Source:
- Destination:
Optionally edit
file to exclude tasks from drop-down list that aren't related to GIS-on-a-Stick.
Include: GIS-on-a-Stick
- Source:
- Destination:
A Spatialite portable spatial database contains a wealth of Vicmap data, made available by the Victorian state government are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.
Vicmap Address
Vicmap Admin
Vicmap Planning
Vicmap Transport
Vicmap Elevation
Vicmap Lite
Vicmap Hydro
Vicmap Property Simplified 1 - Vicmap Property
Vicmap Vegetation
The map layers have been ordered, grouped, filtered, styled, zoom layered and labelled in a QGIS project.
- Source:
- Destination:
\tools\Duplicate GIS-on-a-Stick.bat
Run this batch file to copy the contents of your GIS-on-a-Stick to another flash drive.
GIS-on-a-Stick is designed to be shared. Starting with one stick, you can make as many copies as you need.
- although you can build your own GIS-on-a-Stick by sourcing the individual components, you can request a stick from Groundtruth to get you up and running quickly
- use only USB 2.0 (cheap) or 3.0 (fast), but never 1.0, and at least 8 GB
- reformat your blank USB drives to NTFS (as opposed to the default FAT32) because the .sqlite file is larger than the maximum file size allowed by FAT32.
- to increase the speed of creating copies, copy the contents of your stick to your C drive first to use as your master copy
- use the
tools\Duplicate GIS-on-a-Stick.bat
script to copy your master copy to another stick - use in conjunction with a multi-port USB hub to run off multiple copies at once - we've tested it with up to five sticks at once