Play/1472 test local icons #955
on: pull_request
2 errors
Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
name: 'HttpError',
id: '10778781645',
status: 422,
response: {
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data: {
message: 'Validation Failed',
errors: [
resource: 'Release',
code: 'invalid',
field: 'target_commitish'
documentation_url: '',
status: '422'
request: {
method: 'PATCH',
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body: '{"body":"## What’s Changed\\n\\n* Revert \\"[PBNTR-479] Expose margin bottom on Text Input within Typeahead\\" (#3676) @nidaqg\\n* Version Bump to 14.3.0 (#3668) @nidaqg\\n* Update (#3667) @jasperfurniss\\n* [PBNTR-479] Expose margin bottom on Text Input within Typeahead (#3654) @ElisaShapiro\\n* Fixes Limit for Now (#3666) @jasperfurniss\\n* [PLAY-1458] Fix kebab logic (#3649) @markdoeswork\\n* [PLAY-1519] Return empty string for SVG with HTTP errors (404s, timeouts) (#3658) @kangaree\\n* [PLAY-1426] Redirect If Guide Doesn\'t Exist (#3653) @kangaree\\n* [PLAY-1421] Add all target options to the Hashtag and Home Address Street Kits (#3650) @skduncan\\n* [PLAY-1490] Dialog disable rails - Remove duplicate data (#3646) @markdoeswork\\n* [PBNTR-462] Adding default value prop to Rails Star Rating kit (#3629) @carloslimasd\\n* [PBNTR-471] React pagination glitchiness (#3647) @ElisaShapiro\\n* [PBNTR-372] Collapsible Optional Icon (#3643) @ElisaShapiro\\n* [PBNTR-449] RTE Previewer + Output Rails (#3625) @ElisaShapiro\\n* [PBNTR-373] (Enable Kits Instead of Text for Radio label) (#3612) @nickamantia\\n* [PLAY-1506] Fix `@import playbook.scss` Errors - Fix Theming / Overriding SCSS Variables (e.g., $z_10) (#3608) @kangaree\\n* [PLAY-1477] Timestamp Kit Rails: Elapsed Time Variant Issue (#3606) @skduncan\\n* [PBIOS-535] Update Swift CHANGELOG (#3659) @RachelRadford21\\n* [PLAY-1420] Add \\"loading\\" variant to Circle Icon Button (#3633) @kangaree\\n* [PLAY-1534] Fix Github Action Bug that Breaks Build (#3655) @jasperfurniss\\n* Implement Error Handling and Additions for Github Action (#3652) @jasperfurniss\\n* [Play-1427] Fix Missing Template Error in PagesController (#3645) @skduncan\\n* Testing Incrementing for Github Action RC (#
HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:8462:21
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:30793:18)
name: 'AggregateError',
event: {
id: '10778781645',
name: 'pull_request',
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