brew install python pipenv
Create the virtualenv
virtualenv ~/.venv/astrocyte
Activate the virtualenv
source ~/.venv/astrocyte/bin/activate
Install project dependencies
pipenv install
Create a password file
mkdir ~/.ansible ; \
echo "changeme2018" >> ~/.ansible/.vault_pass.txt && \
chmod 0444 ~/.ansible/.vault_pass.txt
To generate the secret file, run ansible-vault create vars/secret
from the project root.
The first prompt will create your vault password.
The second prompt will send you to a vim session, in that vim sesson input or copy vault.example.yml from the vars folder
ansible_sudo_pass: your-sudo-password
Using nano and a password file this is nice in dev and maybe bad practice in prod.
export EDITOR=nano && \
export VAULT_PASSFILE=~/.ansible/.vault_pass.txt && \
ansible-vault create --vault-password-file $VAULT_PASSFILE vars/vault.yml
Editing the vault file
export EDITOR=nano && \
export VAULT_PASSFILE=~/.ansible/.vault_pass.txt && \
ansible-vault edit --vault-password-file $VAULT_PASSFILE vars/vault.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts init.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible/.vault_pass.txt
leviathian earthdiver