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A solid theme for hugo. Focus on minimalism and simplicity. A plain text page without any extra functionality weighs in at around 300kb. Because we're here to read your content, not to watch fancy mouseover animations.



Many times you start a series. For example a travel blog, or some instructional. Well I don't like to type links out, so series following a specific format will be dealt with automatically. Currently these features are added to series:

  • Previous and Next arrows at top and bottom of posts

To be recognized as a series, you need to put all your posts in one folder like this:

- araroa/

You must name the files ascending numerically from 1. must be present to state that it is indeed a series. This serves as a summary for the whole series. In the future it is planned to have the contents of this file filled out automatically with the titles of the individual posts so that it is really a proper summary.

Overloaded Categories

To support sub-categories I simply created a bunch of partials and layouts and turned the paging system into a categorization tool.

What you would do is to now have a different folder your posts. Instead of posts, you would place official content under blog. Actually you can put everything in posts if you rename the proper layout folders, this will be the default in a future version. Every folder in blog is a category as long as it has with the appropriate frontmatter. Every folder in a category with is a sub-category. There is no limit to the nesting, but I suggest 2 is a good number.

▾ content/
  ▾ blog/
    ▾ computing/
      ▾ graphics/

This creates a category of computing with a sub-category of graphics, with a page

Required parameters

In your front matter you need to specify a few terms before the page can show up. Namely, the type, and the tags. Both are used to narrow down the range of pages iterated through.

Hugo on its own does not care about sub-directories. Thus, everything under content is called content, regardless of whatever folder it is in or whatever category it is under. This is a little annoying, because it means pages like or have to have special treatment, or they will show up on the main list that displays all pages. Thus we specify a type as a filter. Useless pages like can have a type of for example post, and our content pages will have a type of blog. So we do

type = "blog"

on every post under blog, including The main thing is that they must be the same. You can choose any word you want. This is done in the archetypes so it is generated by the hugo new command.

Another parameter required is categories. This is required to properly define the categories of the page. It basically checks if 2 pages have intersecting category sets, if so, then they are under the same category.

Let us demonstrate that with an example. Let us return to this directory structure:

▾ content/
  ▾ blog/
    ▾ computing/
      ▾ graphics/

In computing/ we would specify

categories = ["computing"]

and in computing/graphics/ we would do:

categories = ["computing", "computing/graphics"]

and in computing/graphics/ we would write:

categories = ["computing/graphics","computing","anything else"]

Then it would show up under both computing and computing/graphics. If you were to specify only

categories = ["graphics"]

in, then it will not show up nowhere.

The forward slashes are there for the URL system to direct you to subcategories. If we were to just specify graphics without computing/graphics then it would be looking for a folder of content/blog/graphics which does not exist since it is actually under content/blog/computing/graphics. This is the simplest solution, and it is quite informative actually to know how it you are currently nested in categories.

Making a list of all pages

You might want a home page to be the parent of all categories. Such a page will display every single post you have. Well an empty categories = [] will default to becoming the parent of everything.

Type of content

You may notice that we also have a gallery page. You can create new gallery content similar to blog content, by placing the .md files or directories under the gallery folder. However, note that the frontmatter has to be altered, namely you need to set

type = "gallery"

Note that gallery and blog posts will never cross. You cannot find the same post in both pages. This is due to the type parameter. Every list will only list posts with the same type as itself.

This is also a good time to go through what the type means. The type of a post is another way of classifying things. This time, I want my site to have a picture gallery and a more text-oriented blog layout, so my posts with only pictures go to gallery and the rest goes to blog. One can have different styling, js, layouts, etc. from the other.

Currently only these two are provided out of the box. Any other types you define you have to make sure you create the right layouts for them. Most importantly is the list_<type>.html file. Otherwise, it will not show up anywhere.


There are a few things you can activate in the front matter. These examples are in TOML, so you would enclose them in +++. i.e.

date = "..."
title = "..."

Check the hugo docs to translate TOML to JSON or YAML.

Suggested Categories

Specify an array of suggestedCategories to have a sidebar show up in the list page with a few suggested categories.

Used in conjunction with overloaded categories. For example:

suggestedCategories = ["computers", "misc/personal"]

Sub categories are denoted with slashes. This is because it is a simple url substitution. I do not find it ugly, in fact I think it makes it even clearer that we do not use a separate title.

Starred Pages

Now starred pages need a separate title. Create a table (dictionary) with 2 entries, the title of the page and the url of the page. For example:

title="My favorite food"

Note the leading slash. This creates a sidebar below suggested categories with the pages you specified, in the order you specified them.


Featherlight is a jQuery plugin that provides lightbox effects (click to expand images).

It is not loaded by default. If you post requires it, just specify

useFL = true

In the front matter.

Featherlight also provides a gallery plugin. If you have multiple images in a row, you can use this to allow users to click through your images.

Enable with:

useFLGallery = true

Be sure to use the shortcodes below to create these elements automatically!



Creates a <figure> element with a before/after slider. Plays an animation when it comes into focus. The slider will move right and then left again to entice the user to grab it.

Enable FL in the front matter first. Then:

{{< sliderfigure src1="/img/photography/after.jpg" src2="/img/photography/before.jpg" caption="Boom">}}

This is done in pure CSS so unfortunately, mobile browsers cannot drag the handle. However as a workaround the animation for mobile browsers loop indefinitely.


Creates a <figure> element with a lightbox effect, i.e. clickable image.

Enable FL in the front matter first. Then:

{{< lboxfigure thumb="src="/img/example/thumb.png" src="/img/example/1.png" caption="Fig. 1." style="width:10%" >}}
This is the caption.

The parameters are fairly self explanatory. Something to note is that the style is applied onto the figure, not the image.


Creates a gallery that has lazy loading and a lightbox effect, i.e. clickable image.

Enable FLGallery in the front matter first. Then:

{{< lboxgallery staticDir="static" parentDir="img/hello/" miniThumbDir="/minithumb" thumbDir="/thumb" fullDir="/full" style="width:10%">}}

It will look for images in staticDir/parentDir/thumbDir, and create a gallery with the images there. The images in the gallery will have lazy loading, so before the image is visible (off screen), a lightweight version of it with the same name is searched for under minithumbDir and loaded. When it is scrolled into view it will be swapped out with the version in thumbDir. When the user clicks on it, it will expand into a full-res version with the same name in fullDir.

This means you have 3 copies of the same image under 3 directories, each with different qualities and sizes. You can omit minithumbDir however if you do not care for lazy-loading. You can remove an image by removing it in thumbDir alone. Removing images in fullDir without first doing it in thumbDir results in a blank white box to open.

You can provide text within the tags separated by '' and it will become captioned in the lightbox. For example

{{< lboxgallery ...>}}
caption 1\
caption 2\
caption 4\
{{< /lboxgallery >}}

Will give the first 4 images in that directory a caption each except for the third one. Blank captions just skip by one. Note that the captions appear in the lightbox, very unlike the captions created by lboxfigure.

Param Purpose
staticDir+ The static directory. Most of the time its just "static". Will be omitted in the final URL
parentDir+ The parent directory of all the images.
style CSS styles for the images, defaults to max-width:100%
class The class for the figure tag. Note it is applied to figure and not image.
*Dir The directory of the images. We cover some of the image types below:
minithumb An extremely small thumbnail to be loaded before lazy loading. Can be left empty to load nothing before that. Defaults to "minithumb"
thumb The thumbnail to be loaded by lazy loading. Should be a normal thumbnail now. Defaults to "thumb"
full The full image to be shown on clicking the image. Defaults to "full"

+: Compulsory variable.

Suggested ways to get the different images with imagemagick (change sizes to fit your needs):

minithumb (1-3K):

 mkdir minithumb;
 mogrify -path minithumb -auto-orient -filter Triangle -dither none -interlace none -colorspace sRGB -quality 20% -thumbnail 32 -density 10 -units pixelsperinch -format jpg *.jpg;
 mogrify -path minithumb -auto-orient -define jpg:fancy-upscaling=off -gaussian-blur 2 -resize 256 -format jpg minithumb/*.jpg

thumb (10-20K, mostly around 10-15K):

 mkdir thumb;
 mogrify -path thumb -auto-orient -filter Triangle -dither none -interlace none -colorspace sRGB -quality 60% -thumbnail 256 -format jpg *.jpg;

full (50K-150K):

mkdir full;
mogrify -path full -auto-orient -filter Triangle -dither none -interlace none -colorspace sRGB -quality 80% -resize 600 -format jpg *.jpg;


Solid theme for hugo.







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