Following Typesense docs:
Typesense is an open-source, typo-tolerant search engine optimized for instant (typically sub-50ms) search-as-you-type experiences and developer productivity.
If you've heard about ElasticSearch or Algolia, a good way to think about Typesense is that it is:
An open source alternative to Algolia, with some key quirks solved and An easier-to-use batteries-included alternative to ElasticSearch
My impression is that Algolia is considered the open-source, comparatively cheap, relatively developer-friendly, modern alternative. It should be good. :)
It can be used for shop products, blogs, anything where items are added to your website that needs to be searchable.
Whenever a user creates a new item, a request to add a record must be sent to your seach engine database.
I will just use a Docker container. Data will be saved to /tmp/typesense-data
Simplest way:
mkdir /tmp/typesense-data
docker run -p 8108:8108 -v/tmp/typesense-data:/data typesense/typesense:0.23.1 \
--data-dir /data --api-key=$TYPESENSE_API_KEY --enable-cors
Health check:
curl http://localhost:8108/health
npm install --save typesense
* Our JavaScript client library works on both the server and the browser.
* When using the library on the browser, please be sure to use the
* search-only API Key rather than the master API key since the latter
* has write access to Typesense and you don't want to expose that.
const client = new Typesense.Client({
nodes: [
host: 'localhost', // For Typesense Cloud use
port: 8108, // For Typesense Cloud use 443
protocol: 'http' // For Typesense Cloud use https
apiKey: 'xyz',
connectionTimeoutSeconds: 2
let booksSchema = {
'name': 'books',
'fields': [
{'name': 'title', 'type': 'string' },
{'name': 'authors', 'type': 'string[]', 'facet': true },
{'name': 'publication_year', 'type': 'int32', 'facet': true },
{'name': 'ratings_count', 'type': 'int32' },
{'name': 'average_rating', 'type': 'float' }
'default_sorting_field': 'ratings_count'
.then(function (data) {
let searchParameters = {
'q' : 'harry potter',
'query_by' : 'title',
'sort_by' : 'ratings_count:desc'
.then(function (searchResults) {