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The Loads Regression Estimator


LRE pkgdown site with vignette:

About the LRE Package

This tool estimates loads using a generalised rating curve approach with uncertainties.


You can install a development version of the LRE package from GitHub

# install.packages("devtools")
remotes::install_github(repo = "pkuhnert/LRE", build_vignettes = TRUE, force = TRUE)


Dr Petra Kuhnert, CSIRO Data61, Canberra, (Author and Maintainer)

Email: [email protected]

Dr Dan Pagendam, CSIRO Data61, Brisbane (Contributor)

Dr Brent Henderson, CSIRO Data61, Canberra (Contributor)


Additional contributions have been made by:

Dr Stephen Lewis (JCU, Townsville)

Dr Zoe Bainbridge (JCU, Townsville)

Dr Ryan Turner (DSITI, Brisbane)

LRE Methodology

We have developed a statistical methodology for estimating pollutant loads with uncertainties. The approach is regression based and incorporates a four step process:

  1. Methods for flow regularisation to correct for sampling bias,

  2. Statistical model for concentration

  3. The load calculated at regular time intervals, and

  4. An estimate of the uncertainty in the loads estimate.

The statistical model incorporates terms for flow, and other characteristics of flow (e.g. rising or falling limb or flow history), in an attempt to mimic some of the hydrological phenomena observed in these complex systems, while two different sources of uncertainties are captured by the model to address error in the concentration samples and error in the flow measurements. The regression approach is flexible and can be shown to encompass other existing load estimation methods such as the average estimators.


A vignette for the LRE package is available and contains examples relating to loads estimation for the Burdekin and Tully end of catchment sites.

browseVignettes(package = "LRE")


LRE is free under the GNU General Public License (GPL >= 3.0)

The Burdekin and Tully flow and TSS datasets have been provided by DSTIA and are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Disclaimer: While the LRE package has attempted to foresee different data characteristics and applications of the underlying methodology, the use of the LRE package, or any part of it, is the sole risk of the User.


Kuhnert, P.M., Henderson, B.L., Lewis, S.E., Bainbridge, Z.T., Wilkinson, S.N. and Brodie, J.E. (2012) Quantifying total suspended sediment export from the Burdekin River catchment using the loads regression estimator tool, Water Resources Research, 48, W04533,doi:10.1029/2011WR011080.

Kroon, F.J., Kuhnert, P.M., Henderson, B.L., Wilkinson, S.N., Kinsey-Henderson, A., Abbott, B., Brodie, J.E. and Turner, R.D. (2012)River loads of suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphorus and herbicides delivered to the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 65, 4-9, 167-181.