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Releases: pkerspe/ESP-FlexyStepper

new getters and some handling for single core ESP32s

16 Jan 19:50
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added getters to retrieve the configured deceleration and acceleration values
Added conditional code block to remove logic for second core on single core ESP2 models

Add driver enable pin support

12 Jan 22:11
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Integrated PR from ameisso:
Added support for an enable io pin. This allows the external driver module to be shut off if needed (and if it has an enable pin or some external components attached to enable it) via the Library.
Note: this function is only to control the pin via the library, it does not automate the enable/disable functionality for you.
E.g. if you set it manually to "disabled" state, you need to manually enable it again before you try to send steps to the driver.

Note: this version contains a partially a "breaking" change if you use the brake-function of the library. The brake function has been renamed (typo corrected) thus if you use it, you simply need to change your code to use "isBrakeActive" instead of "isBakeActive" (old function mane with typo, library unfortunately cannot "bake" anything for you :-) )

1.4.9 - Update Readme with missing configs

30 Jun 11:32
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update readme file with missing entries for functions

1.4.8 - Open Drain Configuration for Step and Dir Pin

30 Jun 10:40
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added Feature Request #33 open drain configuration for step and dir pins of driver.
Should be a non breaking change since parameter has been added with default value to connectPins function:

void ESP_FlexyStepper::connectToPins(byte stepPinNumber, byte directionPinNumber, bool useOpenDrain)

1.4.7 - fixed typos in readme

30 Jun 11:19
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only some minimal typo fixes

Bugfix Issue #31

21 Jan 21:08
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  • fixed issue with variable type for limit switch types
  • added new example for multiple instances running as service

1.4.5 - just an update for PlatformIO

07 Nov 14:44
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this update does not contain real new features, it is solely for platformIO to pull the latest sources, which seems to have failed in version 1.4.4 as reported in #22

1.4.4 - minor changes for ESPStepperMotorServer

15 Aug 21:54
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minor changes in method signature for ESPStepperMotor Server

1.4.3 - callback function changes and example

04 Aug 13:59
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added an example for using callback functions
and changed function signature for position callback function

1.4.2 - bugfix in the setTargetPositionToStop function

03 Aug 21:22
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a bug has been fixed in the function setTargetPositionToStop function which caused an unwanted move when called while the motor has already come to a stop.