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This is the Pivotal (now VMware) theme for mkdocs. It allows the docs branding to be pulled in without having any HTML/CSS/JS in your content repo.

This uses the mkdocs-material theme as a base theme. The design has been optimized for information architecture, navigation, and viewing across devices.

Getting Started

We've made some changes to the theme to work with MkDocs v5.0+.

The changes reflected below:

  • lock the version mkdocs to range
  • redefining the markdown_extensions to the newer configuration, for example, pymdownx.highlight is now handling linenums.
  • Allow transition to pymdownx.tabbed for tabs; the superfences tabs sytnax still works for now, but is deprecated. We recommend transitioning tabbed content to the new format as soon as is convenient.
  1. Start a new mkdocs site

    mkdocs new my-docs
    cd my-docs
    git init
    git add -A
    git ci -m 'my new docs site'
  2. Add the theme to the requirements.txt.

    For development/staging branches, we recommend floating with the latest version:


    For version-specific/production branches, we recommend pinning to an exact version:

    git+[email protected]#egg=mkdocs-pivotal

    We strongly recommend avoiding declaring/specifying either the dependencies from this theme's requirements.txt or additional Python dependencies, to the extent possible. This allows the theme to be responsible for managing version inter-dependencies.

  3. Set the theme in the mkdocs.yml

    theme: pivotal
    - admonition
    - pymdownx.extra
    - pymdownx.highlight:
        linenums: true
    - pymdownx.snippets:
        check_paths: true
    - pymdownx.superfences
    - pymdownx.tabbed
    - sane_lists
  4. Commit the changes.

    git add requirements.txt
    git ci -m 'add the pivotal theme'
  5. Enjoy locally with mkdocs serve.


This repo is semantically versioned. The versioned API consists of the supported python markdown extensions for the configuration mkdocs.yml configuration listed above, and the install/build procedure.

Any change that requires a change to the docs themselves, the build script, or the configuration in mkdocs.yml would be considered breaking. This does not necessarily extend to pymdownx extensions we don't indicate above, or other Python packages we don't install in requirements.txt.


Please create a Github issue for discussion before making a pull request.

Local Development

Local development requires this theme to be used in an mkdocs (either new or existing) site. requirements.txt (in the mkdocs site) needs to be updated to reference the local copy.

First, make sure that mkdocs-pivotal-theme is uninstalled, by running pip3 uninstall -r requirements.txt to uninstall everything.

Now that you're working from a clean state, comment out git+ in the requirements.txt of your docs repo (not the mkdocs-pivotal-theme).

Add ~/workspace/mkdocs-pivotal-theme (or the path to where this repo is checked out) to the requirements.txt of your docs repo. Then pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

Then, run pip3 install --editable ~/workspace/mkdocs-pivotal-theme to install a local, editable copy. Any changes to the theme will be automatically rendered in your mkdocs server, without having to restart the server or reinstall any packages.

After completing development in mkdocs-pivotal-theme after all changes are pushed, uncomment git+ and run pip3 install --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt in your docs repo.