Sigma is a collection of tools to streamline the trainings for Pipal Academy.
One of the main components of sigma is the dashboard webapp. The dashboard webapp is planned to have the following features.
- Preview - preview the notebooks of students
- User Management - Add/Remove users from JupyterHub
- Sharing Files - Share/distribute files with every participant
- Solution Tracker - Track the problems solved
- Grader - Grade Assignments
Sigma uses python packaging tool hatch][] for developement.
Install Hatch by running:
$ pip install hatch
Please note that it is suggested that you run this not in a virtualenv, so that you continue to access it even when you switch to a diffent virtualenv.
While the project uses hatch, a Makefile has been added to make it easier to run all the tasks.
$ make run
hatch run app
* Serving Flask app ''
* Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
* Restarting with watchdog (inotify)
You can visit the app at
Sigma uses mkdocs-material for documentation.
The source files for the docs are in docs/
To build docs locally, run make docs
and to serve docs with live reload, run make serve-docs
Sigma is licensed under MIT License.