PBS is a podcast where Bart Busschots is teaching the audience (with Allison Sheridan as the on-air student) to program. The podcast has fabulous tutorial shownotes written by Bart. In many episodes, Bart gives a programming challenge to the audience. This repo is intended as a place for the students to share their solutions.
You can learn more at www.podfeet.com/...
For each episode of Programming By Stealth, there will be a separate repo to collect the solutions. The repot will have the episode number followed by a few words to explain which challenge it was. e.g. pbs147-array-challenge.
Each student's solution will be standalone within the repo for that episode of the podcast. Please name your directory in this repo as follows:
pbs followed by the episode numbeer followed by your GitHub handle. For example my directory would be called pbs147-podfeet