b073bcb updates to the enumeration pipeline
9dddd27 updated the date elements in the word list
6e22ea5 updated the ShadowServer and TeamCymru data source integrations
c6c5fb9 updated the Farsight DNSDB integration
11fc50c updated copyright and licensing information
35d378b updated AlienVault, and removed the networksdb and umbrella data sources
defda5a started to switch to the new HTTP request function
27d5b4d removed the Google Certificate Transparency data source integration
0e8b525 removed support for Snapcraft and Cloudflare
92e8c06 performance improvements to the scripting engine
b17fde1 moved all active techniques to the scripting engine
d5a39f1 discoveries are now written directly to the data store
57934f8 added the search API as a data source
8dc54c5 Removed the Twitter integration and associated dependencies
45a375a Removed all references to the ioutil deprecated package
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