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297 repositories
PublicUse SQL to instantly query workspaces, runs and more from Terraform Cloud/Enterprise. Open source CLI. No DB required.steampipe-plugin-azure
PublicUse SQL to instantly query Azure resources across regions and subscriptions. Open source CLI. No DB required.powerpipe-docs
PublicPowerpipe documentation content in markdown format.homebrew-tap
PublicHelm charts for Turbot Guardrails- Docker container for Guardrails Kubernetes agent
PublicPowerpipe: Dashboards for DevOps. Visualize cloud configurations. Assess security posture against a massive library of benchmarks. Build custom dashboards with code.pipe-fittings
Public- Use SQL to instantly query resources, data sources and more from Terraform code. Open source CLI. No DB required.
- Is your Azure tagging strategy following best practice? This mod checks if your Azure resource tags are set correctly to help you manage them effectively using Powerpipe and Steampipe.
- Use SQL to instantly query Alibaba Cloud resources across regions and accounts. Open source CLI. No DB required.
PublicUse SQL to instantly query AWS resources across regions and accounts. Open source CLI. No DB required.- View dashboards and reports across all of your Turbot Guardrails resources using Powerpipe and Steampipe.
PublicSet up your GitHub Actions workflow with Steampipe and plugin connections.guardrails-docs
PublicTurbot Guardrails documentation content in markdown format.- Use SQL to instantly query Kubernetes API resources. Open source CLI. No DB required.
PublicUse SQL to instantly query meetings, users & more from Zoom. Open source CLI. No DB required.steampipe-action-check
PublicRun Steampipe checks against your Infrastructure as Code, deployed infrastructure, and more.steampipe-plugin-net
PublicUse SQL to instantly query DNS records, certificates and other network information. Open source CLI. No DB required.- Terraform Turbot provider
PublicRun Powerpipe benchmarks and controls against your Infrastructure as Code, deployed infrastructure, and more.steampipe
PublicUse SQL to instantly query GCP resources across regions, projects and organizations. Open source CLI. No DB required.flowpipe-mod-aws-cis
Public- Run pipelines to detect and correct Azure resources that are unused and underutilized to optimize costs.