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Coherence CE v23.09.1

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@pthilagar pthilagar released this 09 Nov 14:25
· 1 commit to empty since this release

This is patch 1 of the Coherence CE 23.09 release.

Bugs fixed since Coherence CE 23.09

  1. COH-28772 Upgraded Helidon version to 3.2.3, Netty version to 4.1.100.Final, gRPC version to 1.57.1 and Jersey version to 3.0.11.
  2. COH-28728 Fixed an issue where a topic subscriber could stop receiving messages from a newly allocated channel after the previous owner of the channel departed.
  3. COH-28726 Use internal ForkJoinPool to run queries in parallel across all owned partitions.
  4. COH-28705 Fixed RequestTimeoutException of 249 milliseconds when setting an MBean attribute by using longer service RequestTimeout.
  5. COH-27952 Gradle Plugin: Add incremental build support (only instrument changed POF classes).
  6. COH-28615 The distributed executor service will now distribute tasks to executors in a round-robin fashion.
  7. COH-28599 Fixed an issue where topic subscribers channel allocations were sometimes not cleaned up when the subscribers owning member departed from the cluster.
  8. COH-28550 Improved performance of filter-based aggregators by leveraging partitioned index.
  9. COH-28549 Improved performance of filter-based entry processors by leveraging partitioned index.
  10. COH-28572 Re-enabled the Coherence Gradle Plugin, upgraded to Gradle 8.4 and provided Java 21 support.
  11. COH-28562 Fixed IllegalAccessException thrown in DefaultMemberIdentity.makeProcessName method when using JDK 17 or greater.
  12. COH-28547 Fixed an issue where using a conditional index on a key extractor resulted in the corresponding index not being updated when entry values were modified, and queries would return incorrect results.
  13. COH-28507 Removed the Sun Codemodel shaded dependency from coherence.jar due to its dropped support in JDK17.
  14. COH-28484 Fixed an issue that prevents ExtractorComparator to be used with PofExtractor.
  15. COH-28336 Fixed an issue that could yield a NullPointerException if tracing propagation state is empty.
  16. COH-28314 Added the ability to insert JSON data via CohQL.
  17. COH-28279 Changed async() to throw UnsupportedOperationException for Extend caches. Changed async() for Near and View caches to call async() on the back cache.
  18. COH-28074 Fixed an issue where partitioned queries took longer to execute than before, this fix now provides as fast or faster execution due to the ability to run queries in parallel across partitions.
  19. COH-28096 Fixed the bug where a query results could include an entry that doesn't match specified filter under heavy concurrent updates.
  20. COH-27990 Added the ClearCount attribute to the StorageManager MBean to show how many times the clear() operation has been called on a cache.