Release to test the updated Zenodo release infrastructure with new webhook.
What's Changed
- Add Github action for running tests automatically by @niketagrawal in #111
- Integration test to verify the model's expected result for 1D and 2D base cases by @niketagrawal in #105
- add release guidelines by @manuGil in #109
- Unit-Tests for Model.py by @manuGil in #112
- Update citation by @manuGil in #117
- Moisture bug fix by @CarolineHalllin in #116
- Implementation grain size dependent Bagnold equation by @christavanijzendoorn in #122
- Implementing TOML file for packaging by @manuGil in #125
- Patch/deprications by @manuGil in #128
- loop over fractions replaced by numba enhanced function by @Sierd in #119
- Docs: Add developer documentation and fix bugs by @niketagrawal in #134
- Prepare for release 2.1.2 by @Sierd in #139
- change spelling of package name to lowercase by @manuGil in #141
- remove duplicate import of numpy by @manuGil in #155
- Docs by @manuGil in #136
- Update inout.py by @Sierd in #145
- Updates to CLI by @manuGil in #160
- Indent deprecation text by one blank line to improve readability by @niketagrawal in #162
- Proofread dev documentation by @manuGil in #164
- Rc.3.0.0 by @Sierd in #165
New Contributors
- @christavanijzendoorn made their first contribution in #122
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v3.0.0rc2