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This tool was created by a team of ONERA researchers (Rémi Delmas, Pierre Bieber, Christel Seguin) in the context of the MISSA European community project (, which spanned from mid-2009 to mid-2011. The tool has been extended in the DGAC project PHYDIAS ( You can however send feedback, comments, suggestions or bug reports the authors by email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and by placing the [dalculator] tag in the title of the email

Purpose of the tool

The purpose of the DALculator is to derive function independence requirements, DAL levels for functions, and failure probability budget by analyzing sets of minimal cut sets describing failure conditions.

Compiling the DALculator

Java 8

You need a working installation of the Java Runtime Environment version 8 (either OpenJDK or Oracle will do). Installation procedures may vary depending on your system (Windows, OSX, Linux), please follow the official guidelines for your system.


The compilation of the DALCulator can be easily performed with SBT. Installation procedures may vary depending on your system (Windows, OSX, Linux), please follow the official guidelines for your system.

Generate the standalone JAR

To generate the standalone JAR, run:

 sbt assembly

Note that the entrypoint is specified in the build.sbt file. You can select the main class (here GUI or CLI) by commenting/uncommenting the following lines:

//Uncomment to define GUI as entrypoint
assembly / mainClass := Some("dalculator.gui.DalculatorGraphicalInterface")

//Uncomment to define CLI as entrypoint
assembly / mainClass := Some("dalculator.cli.CLI")

Running the DALculator

Run using the standalone JAR

To use the standalone JAR with the GUI run:

 java -jar [PATH_TO_JAR]

Note that by default the standalone JAR path is target/scala-2.13/dalculator-assembly-X.Y.jar (where X.Y is the version number).

Installing the WBO Pseudo-Boolean solver (optional)

The tool wbo1.4b-fixed can be obtained by contacting its author, Vasco Manquinho from INESC-ID in Portugal. The binary of the solver must be placed in the src/resources folder.

Installing the lp_solve MILP solver (optional)

The budget allocation analysis relies on the MILP solver. On a debian-based system, lp_solve is available in the standard package repositories can be installed using the apt-get package installation utility.
Just make sure that the package is installed on the system and that the lp_solve command is available in the user's $PATH.

Theory behind the tool

The formal theory on which the DALculator is based is described in references: