Refactored code for generating Indic synthetic text images as described in "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman, CVPR 2016.
The code in the master
branch is for Python2. Python3 is supported in the python3
The main dependencies are:
pygame, opencv (cv2), PIL (Image), numpy, matplotlib, h5py, scipy, kaggle
In the project directory run
kaggle datasets download azharshaikh/SynthTextGen
This will download a zip file named SynthTextGen
. Ensure you have unzipped file the to ./SynthTextGen. This data file includes:
- dset.h5: This is a sample h5 file which contains a set of 5 images along with their depth and segmentation information. Note, this is just given as an example; you are encouraged to add more images (along with their depth and segmentation information) to this database for your own use.
- data/fonts: Sample fonts for the indic languages(add more fonts to this folder and then update
with their paths). - data/newsgroup: Text cropus for the indic languages used to render scene text. Look inside
to see how the text inside this file is used by the renderer. - data/models/colors_new.cp: Color-model (foreground/background text color model), learnt from the IIIT-5K word dataset.
- data/models: Other cPickle files (char_freq.cp: frequency of each character in the text dataset; font_px2pt.cp: conversion from pt to px for various fonts: If you add a new font, make sure that the corresponding model is present in this file, if not you can add it by adapting
After downloading data run
python --viz --output_path path/to/store/generated_images --total_samples --lang
This script will generate scene-text image samples and store them in an lmdb file at the output path specified. If the --viz
option is specified, the generated output will be visualized as the script is being run; omit the --viz
option to turn-off the visualizations. If you want to visualize later, run:
- Download the language font (.ttf file) to data/fonts/ (ex data/fonts/hin.ttf) then update fonts/fontlist.txt with the font's path.
- Create a new language font model (.cp file) using and the laguage font and place it in data/models/
- Add a language text file (like wikipedia articles, news etc) to data/newsgroup with the name newsgrouplangname(ex newsgrouphin)
- make sure the same lang name is used for both the font and text files.
- To start generating samples refer to the Generating samples section.
Additional Instructions can be found here