Add ability to specify a whitelist of allowed communities on the supernode
Implement local peers discovery via multicast
Windows compilation fixes and instructions
MacOS compilation fixes and instructions
Add support for multiple edge systemd services
Implement AES encryption for increased security and throughput
Add benchmark tool for the encryption throughput
Improve the connection stability and the chances to enstablish a P2P connection
Remove keyschedule support to simplify the encryption code
Integrate the changes made in the meyerd fork of n2n
Implement packet stats for P2P vs supernode communication
Replace peers linked list with hash table for faster lookup in big networks
Automatically drop provileges to user n2n
n2n version improvements
Add support for ARM64 build
Instructions and makefile file to build n2n on OpenWRT
More options to control MTU, P2P connections, TOS and log verbosity
Implement a wireshark dissector for the n2n protocol
Remove calls to system() in tuntap_linux and use netlink instead
Implement n2n-decode utility to decode and dump traffic to PCAP
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