Release Notes and Installation Instructions
SUMMARY The SONG external package is used to reduce SONG Coude Feed data.
January 1997 This is a prototype.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installation of this external package consists of obtaining the files, creating a directory containing the package, and defining the environment to load and run the package. The package may be installed for a site or as a personal installation. If you need help with these installation instructions contact [email protected] or call the IRAF HOTLINE at 520-318-8160.
[1-site] If you are installing the package for site use then login as IRAF and edit the IRAF file, extern.pkg, defining the packages. Define the environment variable "song" to be the pathname to the song root directory; the pathname must be terminated with a '/'.
% cd $hlib
% vi extern.pkg
reset song = /local/song/ # UNIX example
task song.pkg = song$
Near the end of the extern.pkg file, update the definition of
helpdb so it includes the song help database, copying the syntax
already used in the string. Add this line before the line
containing a closing quote:
[1-personal] If you are installing the package for personal use define a host environment variable with the pathname of the directory where the package will be located. Note that Unix pathnames must end with '/'. For example:
% setenv song /local/song/
In your or file make the following definitions
somewhere before the "keep" statement.
reset song = /local/song/
task song.pkg = song$
printf ("reset helpdb=%s,song$lib/helpdb.mip\nkeep\n",
envget("helpdb")) | cl
[2] Login into IRAF. Create a directory to contain the package files. This directory should be outside the standard IRAF directory tree.
cl> mkdir song$
cl> cd song
[3] The package is distributed as a tar archive for the sources. Note that IRAF includes a tar reader. The tar file(s) are most commonly obtained via anonymous ftp. Below is an example for a Unix machine.
cl> ftp (
login: anonymous
password: [your email address]
ftp> cd iraf/extern
ftp> get song.readme
ftp> binary
ftp> get song.tar.Z
ftp> quit
cl> !uncompress song.tar
The readme file contains these instructions.
Upon request the tar file(s) may be otained on tape for a service
charge. In this case you would mount the tape and specify the
device name in the next step.
[4] Extract the source files from the tar archive using 'rtar".
cl> softools
so> rtar -xrf <archive> where <archive> is the host name of the
archive file or the IRAF tape
device for tape distributions.
so> bye
The archive file can be deleted once the package has been
successfully installed or the tape device can be freed.
This should complete the installation. You can now load the package and begin testing and use.