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          Release Notes and Installation Instructions

SUMMARY The CFH12K external package is used to reduce CFH 12K CCD mosaic data. It provides a task for updating the raw headers to work with the MSCRED package and a task to set the default parameters. The reductions are then done using the MSCRED Mosaic reduction package.

DISCLAIMER The package is provided as a service to IRAF users with CFH 12K data. It was developed and is supported by the IRAF Group at NOAO. The CFH Observatory is in no way responsible for this package. Please report any problems and send questions to [email protected].

RELEASE INFORMATION The following summary only highlights the major changes. There will also be minor changes and bug fixes as needed.

V1.1: July 24, 2002 The HDRCFH12K task which fixes up problems in the raw data headers was setting a vertical flip in the display of "chip07". Whether this was actually ever right I am not sure but the flip has now been removed.

V1.0: March 6, 2001 First package release. This package requires that the MSCRED external package of at least "V4.4: March 6, 2001" also be installed. Send feedback on this package to [email protected].

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installation of this external package consists of obtaining the files, creating a directory containing the package, and defining the environment to load and run the package. The package may be installed for a site or as a personal installation. If you need help with these installation instructions contact [email protected] or call the IRAF HOTLINE at 520-318-8160.

[1-site] If you are installing the package for site use login as IRAF and edit the IRAF file defining the packages.

    % cd $hlib
    % vi extern.pkg

Add the following to the file.

    reset cfh12k = <path>/cfh12k/
    task  cfh12k.pkg = cfh12k$

Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the  definition  of
helpdb  so  it includes the cfh12k help database, copying the syntax
already  used  in  the  string.   Add  this  line  before  the  line 
containing a closing quote:


[1-personal] In your or file make the following definitions somewhere before the "keep" statement.

    reset cfh12k = /mydir/cfh12k/
    task  cfh12k.pkg = cfh12k$
    printf ("reset helpdb=%s,cfh12k$lib/helpdb.mip\nkeep\n",
        envget("helpdb")) | cl

[2] Login into IRAF. Create a directory to contain the package files as defined above. This directory should be outside the standard IRAF directory tree.

    cl> mkdir cfh12k$
    cl> cd cfh12k

[3] The package is distributed as a tar archive.

    cl> ftp (
    login: anonymous
    password: [your email address]
    ftp> cd iraf/extern
    ftp> get cfh12k.readme
    ftp> binary
    ftp> get cfh12k.tar.Z
    ftp> quit
    cl> !uncompress cfh12k.tar

The readme file contains these instructions.

[4] Extract the source files from the tar archive using 'rtar".

    cl> softools
    so> rtar -xrf cfh12k.tar
    so> bye

The tar file can be deleted once it has been successfully installed.

This should complete the installation. You can now load the package and begin testing and use.

To use the package first load it. You do not need to load MSCRED as it will be done for you. The first step is to run the task SETCFH12K to set some default parameters. This corresponds to the SETINSTRUMENT task in MSCRED and CCDRED. This task only needs to be run once when you start reducing data and does not need to be done again unless you use MSCRED to reduce data from another mosaic.

The task HDRCFH12K must be run on all raw data files. After this you can use the tasks from the MSCRED package. For help on that package use "help mscguide". There is currently only minimal help for MSCRED other than the user's guide. This is help for SETCFH12K and HDRCFH12K available with this package.