These dotfiles are managed with GNU stow, so you'll need it installed.
To install these dotfiles, there is an installer script included. Clone the repository, and run the script
to install all available packages.
For a quick guide for managing and using dotfiles managed with GNU stow, I recommend alexpearce's guide on the same.
- bspwm: A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning.
- spectrwm: A small dynamic tiling window manager for X11.
- sxhkd: Simple X hotkey daemon
- polybar: A fast and easy-to-use status bar.
- dmenu: Dynamic menu for X.
- clipmenu: Clipboard management using dmenu.
- picom: A lightweight compositor for X11.
- dunst: Lightweight and customizable notification daemon.
- kitty: Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal.
- neovim: Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability.
- vim-plug: Minimalist vim plugin manager.
- mopidy: Extensible music server written in Python.
- mopidy-mpd: Extension for controlling playback from MPD clients.
- mopidy-soundcloud: Extension for playing music from SoundCloud.
- mopidy-scrobbler: Extension for scrobbling played tracks to
- mopidy-spotify: Extension for playing music from Spotify.
- mopidy-alsamixer: Extension for ALSA volume control.
- mopidy-local: Extension for playing music from your local music archive.
- mopidy-youtube: Extension for playing music from YouTube.
- mopidy-mpris: Extension for controlling Mopidy through the MPRIS D-Bus interface.
- ncmpcpp: Featureful ncurses based MPD client.
- mpc: Command-line client for MPD.
- firefox: A free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation.
- xwallpaper: Wallpaper setting utility for X.
- newsboat: An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals.
- castero: TUI podcast client for the terminal.
- bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- cava: Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa.
- thunar: Modern, fast and easy-to-use file manager for XFCE.
- engrampa: A file archiver for MATE.
- mpv: A free, open source, and cross-platform media player.
- zathura: A highly customizable and functional document viewer.
- pqiv: Powerful image viewer with minimal UI.
- maim: Screenshot utility.
Shell utilities:
- surfraw: Utility to search the web using multiple search engines from the command line.
- ueberzug: Command line util which allows to draw images on terminals by using child windows.
- vivid: A generator for LS_COLORS with support for multiple color themes.
- exa: A modern replacement for ‘ls’.
- bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
- dtrx: CLI tool that extracts archives in a number of different formats.
- trash-cli: Command line interface to the trashcan.
- ripgrep: CLI that recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore.
- fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder.
- lyricwikia: Python API to get song lyrics from LyricWikia.
- neofetch: A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+.
- bc: A fairly ubiquitous, useful and powerful calculator.
- wmctrl: Command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
- xdotool: Fake keyboard/mouse input, window management, and more.
- playerctl: MPRIS media player command-line controller.
- youtube-dl: Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites.
Appearance-related resources:
- Shell prompt:
- Starship: The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- Fonts:
- Iosevka: Slender typeface for code, from code.
- nerd-fonts: Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher.
- Themes:
- Cursors:
- Bibata: Material based cursors.
- Icons:
- papirus-bnw: A variant of Papirus made with themix to compliment the main theme.
- Wallpapers:
- All wallpapers are obtained from wallhaven.
- Shell prompt:
All the global keybindings use the Super/Win
key as the main modifier.
You can use these layout diagrams to familiarize yourself with the key bindings, or you can customize them to fit your liking!
Default desktop - clean
(to be added)
Default desktop - floating window with alternate bar
(to be added)
Default desktop - busy
(to be added)
Menu interaction
(to be added)
Sample GTK application (file manager)
(to be added)