I'm currently an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at VIT (Graduating on May, 2023), when I'm not swamped with academic work I like contributing to open source projects and working on some projects of my own.
In the past I've worked as a student developer at GNOME as part of Google Summer of Code 2021 and have continued contributing since, I like working on low-level projects related to operating systems and kernels.
I also contribute to projects that are not hosted on GitHub
- GNOME - https://gitlab.gnome.org/nishalkulkarni
- Freedesktop(uresourced) - https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/nishalkulkarni
- 🔭 I’m currently working on extending ARA's support for ZephyrRTOS through SOF
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about LLVM toolchain, Linux kernel, Xtensa architecture
- 📫 How to reach me: nishalkulkarni[at]gmail[dot]com