This package provides rive animated icons that can be customized to suit your preference. It includes the riveIcon type, onTap, color parameters and others to give the user a level of control.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve hit a major milestone — 50 animated icons and counting! 🎉
riveIcon: RiveIcon.home,
width: 50,
height: 50,
strokeWidth: 3,
loopAnimation: false,
onTap: (){},
onHover: (value){}
This parameter is used to define the icon type from the RiveIcon enum
This parameter is used to set the icon width
This parameter is used to set the icon height
This parameter is used to set icon color
When this parameter is set to true
the icon's animation will be on loop
This callback is set by the user to perform actions onTap
This callback is set by the user to perform actions onHover
This parameter is used to set icon splash color
This parameter is used to set icon stroke width
- If a Rive animation is set to loop and is scrolled off-screen, you can disable the loop to stop the animation and conserve resources while it's not visible. Similarly, you can re-enable the loop when the animation comes back into view.
Rive Animated Icons is MIT-licensed
All the icons available were animated in Rive and sourced from the Rive community files. Special thanks to all the animators!