repo of folly, merge conflicts, detached HEADs, and how to get out of them
Get into a detached HEAD state. git checkout some random commit hash
Committing in detached HEAD state and making a home (new branch for detached HEAD commits) ** assume you've performed example 1) touch file, add, commit, note hash of commit git checkout $NEW_BRANCH_NAME $COMMIT_HASH; you now have a home for this commit (you can now do more work on this branch and/or merge it into any other branch)
Merge conflict A, keep all changes from both branches ** assume many branches, all have blah.txt with 3 lines of text
in feature branch Step 1) add a new line with text to file
in master branch Step 2) add a blank line to file Step 3) add a new line with other text to file
merge master into feature branch remove lines <<<<< HEAD, ======, >>>>> master save, add, commit. you now have all changes
- Merge conflict B, keep only changes from master
merge master into feature branch remove all lines from <<<<< HEAD to ======, and >>>>> master save, add, commit. you now have only changes from master
TODO: 5) Merge conflict C, keep no changes from either branch after doing the two above, this should be simple