Provides loadducks
function that loads dataset of 72 images depicting a rubber duck photographs from 72 angles.
The data have been taken from the original repository found here.
If you use the dataset for your academic work, please cite the following paper as requested by the original authors of the images:
"Columbia Object Image Library (COIL-20)," S. A. Nene, S. K. Nayar and H. Murase, Technical Report CUCS-005-96, February 1996.
Apart from cloning, an easy way of using the package is the following:
1 - Add the registry AINJuliaRegistry
2 - Switch into "package mode" with ]
and add the package with
add GPLVMplusData
using PyPlot # must be independently installed, other packages can be used instead
X = GPLVMplusData.loadducks();
Load subsampled images:
using PyPlot # must be independently installed, other packages can be used instead
X = GPLVMplusData.loadducks(;every=2); # subsamble images to 64×64.
X = GPLVMplusData.loadducks(;every=3); # subsamble images to 43×43.
X = GPLVMplusData.loadducks(;every = 4); # subsamble images to 32×32.