released this
03 Apr 21:20
requires PHP 7.1
uses declare(strict_types=1)
uses PHP 7.1 scalar and return type hints
uses nette/routing
RouteList: added addRoute() & withDomain(), withPath() and withModule()
Presenter: signal must be sent from the same origin unless they have annotation @crossorigin (BC break)
Presenter: persistent parameters are transmitted between traits (in addition to the class hierarchy) [Closes #183 ]
LatteExtension: added option 'strictTypes'
error template redesign
Application::run() counts with response
Component, Form: added hasPresenter(), deprecated $throw in getPresenter()
TemplateFactory: added onCreate event [closes #195 ] (#196 )
Template: added renderToString()
DI extensions: are using configuration Schema
Changed signature of IRouter:
IRouter::constructUrl() accepts and match() returns array instead of Nette\Application\Request (BC break)
IRouter::constructUrl() accepts Nette\Http\UrlScript instead of Url
MicroPresenter: returns 500 instead of 404 when parameter callback is missing
ApplicationExtension: tag nette.presenter
replaced by findByType()
Component::getParam() triggers deprecation warning (BC break)
Component::redirect() first parameter $code is deprecated (BC break)
TemplateFactory: filters |normalize, |toAscii, |reverse, |url and |null are deprecated
ComponentReflection::combineArgs() throws Nette\InvalidArgumentException and is converted to BadRequestException on higher level
Presenter: invalid action throws BadRequestException only during startup
ComponentReflection::parseAnnotation() returns NULL instead of FALSE (BC break)
Presenter: returns VoidResponse when has no response
TemplateFactory: removed $baseUri, replaced with $baseUrl
removed Component::getPersistentParams(), persistent params are always public properties with annotation @Persistent (BC break)
Presenter::error() moved to Component
Route: converts all scalar params to strings [Closes #185 ]
Presenter: deprecated annotation @user (BC break)
SimpleRouter: support for parameter 'module' is deprecated (BC break)
Route::$styles is deprecated (BC break)
Application::$maxLoop changed to non-static
ApplicationExtension: presenters are not autowired
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