This is a Flask API application for processing CV files. It allows users to upload CV files and retrieve important information from those files in JSON format.
Users can send POST requests to upload CV files. The CV files can have extensions such as .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf. After the CV file is uploaded, the API uses a processor to process the content of the CV file and extract important information from it. The API returns important information from the CV files in JSON format.
This Flask API application processes CV files, extracting important information and returning it in JSON format. It's powered by Gunicorn, a Python WSGI HTTP server.
Open a terminal.
Navigate to the directory containing
Run the following command to execute
./ -p 1300 -host ""
Before running the above command, you may need to grant execute permission to using the chmod +x
After running, the server will be started on port 1300 with the endpoint http://localhost:1300/extract-cv.
To check status or stop the service, you can use the
sudo systemctl stop
Check status the service
sudo systemctl status extract_cv.service
Stop the service
sudo systemctl stop extract_cv.service